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I've been tracking the story component of the new update on the github, and there will be spoilers further down the line.

In this update, we'll be helping Elise and her mom make friends, roughly speaking. And her mom is, roughly speaking, one of Alpha Corp's bigwigs. Practically one of the heads or something. And in the end, when we reconcile them, our help again goes unnoticed and we are again not thanked in any way, not to mention the fact that we don't take off our collar in gratitude to such important members of the corporation. Sad... =[


I geniuenly love the game. I wish tho there was an option to repair Foxy's old project for him, introducing a new character at the same time. And to be able to help him after his quest line. 


95 update yet Rahi must be worked up or smth this game is too good to stop playing or forget about its like Lilith's Throne but with animation 


The update is almost ready.

Just wait a bit.


Ohhh goodies



i need updates


Then wait



In progress.


The best game i've played so far in this scene. I'm always happy to see new updates and i haven't found a game nearly that good. Keep up the work bro


Its such a good game! I do have some recomendations, like maybe add an "introduce yourself"in the chat? and I think somebody below did mention such a great idea! Dating option, maybe add an different section of interactions to separate the concept of Affection via sex, and another via just love, maybe add an bar for attraction, maybe, just ideas, but 10/10 so far :D

I'm feeling dumb, where is the laundry for the panties item

its on the bottom right of the main room

“Cumshots depends on the balls volume” so like… Which one makes me cum less or more? Enabled or disabled?

bigger balls bigger cum


Ten years...


Ten years in the bdcc made you into a fucking furry slut Diana!

(Ps Diana is a name i give to all characters)

(1 edit) (+1)

total smartlock entrapment

Quick Question.

Has anyone found out how to change the code to wear multiple things on the same Spot ? If yes Thanks!


who has enough time to make an 'adventure mod' like an open world with another kind of quest like imagine a whole new world with the same game if anyone is lazy enough or knows someone lazy enough please do reply


Found out how to edit save files; made a custom pawn that way, removed the collars.
Currently figuring out godot so I can not only (try to) add 2vX fights but also a dating function

I have a thing for loving relationships; don't judge me

Also if y'all want to try and code those too go right ahead god knows ill struggle with it


That (the dating thing) would absolutely be a mod I'd download and use if you can do it! That's right up my alley. Sounds awesome. Good luck with your endeavor!!


I hope there's a loving relationship too and i don't judge you


Hell yeah Id download a dating mod, I love... well, love in media.


I loved Rahi, I found their story an absolute treat to experience, and the way that act too cute making me spoil them too often with headpats


Ive played a lot of porn games and i feel this one is in that upper level for best due to the flexibility offered by it. Theres a handful of others too but this one is the most rounded i feel


Would u be so kind to give out a list of those games u think are in the upper level because i cant seem to find so many good ones.. tnx <3

Not the op but here's a couple.

Liliths throne.

Trials in tainted space.

Corruption of champions 1 and 2.

Lust doll +.

Disasters? In Cecilia kingdom.

(2 edits) (+3)

mrpies list are all solid, esp liliths throne is one id put in that upper list since its probably the most flexible sandbox game as far as you can get pretty creative in what you want to do. Also im bi but when i mention gayer games i often prefer the more feminine/twinkish art rather than bara so keep that in mind. Im gunna "*" for the really good ones since my list is getting long


Twisted world*, bdcc*, course of temptation, liliths throne*, Degrees of lewdity, perfect home (which is more like 80% gay but more straight content in recent updates), Trials in Tainted Space, Corruption of champions 1 (TiTs and CoC are older games but still solid), Monster Mind (if you like pokemon), Dungeon Keepher*, Extended Stay, Princess and conquest* (80% straight, easily 200+ animations), Lordling of Souls (and its predecessor), Debtors , Lust Doll and Lust Doll+


Hazelnut latte*, My very own lith (flash games iirc), Thirstchasm* and Tailbound* (both by carpetwurm), Happy Heart Panic/Happy Heart Hell (some straight), My femboy roomate, Oh So Hero!* (little more baraish but very good animations), Grove* and Prowler* (both by GROVE DEVELOPMENT, more bara ish), Honey Kingdom, Monster Souls*, Tales of androgyny* (looks like the art Youde see in banner ads saying you wont last 60 seconds but its actually a very large legit game)


Skantish (new carpetwurm game), AI Revolution, Dimension 69 (with at least 1 femboy option), Castle of Temptation*, Scarlett Law, Goddess' Whim*, Corrupted Kingdoms, My dystopian robot girlfriend.

Theres a lot of related games to goddess' whim and corrupted kingdoms/ai revolution/dimension 69 that pop up in the related games tab on right and a lot of them very similar and good too. that list took way longer than it should have and theres more but ive already spent too long lol. if someone finds that list handy feel free to tell me more gay/bi games even if its not on this site since im always looking for more lol 

For a great gay game you may want to try Cruel Serenade. It's on and very good if you like hypno/mind control stuff. 


When is the good route gonna be implemented

Damn good question.

Is there any way to "re-roll" pawns/generated NPCs if you don't like those generated or a way to limit options generation sets for those NPCs?


Follow the tabs:
Me > Encounters > Characters and from there you can delete npcs you don't want.

Me > Encounters also gives you the Restrictions, Genders, and Species tabs so you can limit probabilities of certain traits in npcs, or limit their available actions. You can even shift Goal Weights to make them more or less likely to take certain actions.

Hope this helps. ^_^


Will there be naga type characters in the future? like legless long snakes and other hybrids or is there already a mod for that and I just need to open my eyes? I understand you have a lot on your development plate and this is a super specific ask so I understand if its not even possible with all the different scenes possible.  I hope things go well for you in the future.

Naga huh? . . . Lemme think of that later on.


I may be a little dumb but how do I become issix's pet or trigger it? Got close but seems I'm missing something

Homie do you have any advice from Azaziel he will help you if you read it carefully what he says

(1 edit)

From what ive seen its probably tied to your slut reputation, how many times you've encountered Azaziel outside the corner and (maybe) your relationship with his pets.

who knows how to use the “trigger” special attack?

I believe so it's been a bit


Give the character nipples 🙏


Homie good idea


Where is rahi mew


If you are talking about an update, then it is still being finalized and errors are being fixed.

Woah yippee that's great news!


This game has SOO MUCH potential in it like so much for long-term things Imagine the prison thing is just a part of it the concept its self is too much but let's not overlook it it makes me a little sad to end the game is it possible you add more open routes like extra endings out of the prison after all what happens we get a new goal and we have to survive that kind of things but the game its self is good I played it so many times and I'm always here to support even if not physically


Any updates to report and ideas for the next update?

(1 edit) (+8)

How i feel fazer using the "forget" option rigth after i fuck a npc that does not like something i like:


more mods ples


To the person who made the B.O.O.P. mod

Pure [GOLD]


I totally I agree with you

Can we get some more detailed options for the SMART-LOCK BDSM settings? I'd like to make certain types of SMART-LOCKs more or less likely or toggle them on/off completely.


When will the game be updated?😭😭




What's on the next update is it surprising 😮


What's it gonna be?

Deleted 12 days ago

I played on the browser version for a while but now that I downloaded it on my phone, I can't import my save data. I'm going to assume that is just 100% broken


Its a mobile issue, yeah.


Check if all mods and datapacks are installed as on the other device, if yes, then try to enter the game in your save and through the menu disable datapacks manually, ALL datapacks, save the game, and transfer this save.


For anyone trying to join the discord try the "join discord" button in the main menu.

How do I fix

Try downloading it?

When ever I test run the game I get character with id not found twice then my game crashes

Do we have a discord

Discord link is under more information above.

(1 edit) (+1)

İt doesnt work gives error

Have you tried the discord link in game

This link worked for me

All you have to do is copy it and hit the plus on the server thing on discord and paste the link then join

It says expired for me




total kolechia death

How do you fix a slave when they are depressed

If you mean before mindbreakijg, you can reassure them a few times and it should get better over a few days if you keep doing it.

After mindbreaking, you cannot fix them.


Rahi!!! Hear me I need a gadget that can scan inmates fetishes and body so I can make more money out of them


Kratos sounding ahh

How do you enslave staff members

(1 edit)

you gotta buy collars from the announcer in the underground, then you can put those collars on staff members in sex scenes as a bdsm item. Then you can drag em back to your cell after that

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