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Love the game! Although I'd appreciate if more gendered terms around the mc would change according to identity/pronouns. It's just kinda silly when my trans male characters have "girlcum" and stuff.  I get that some ppl r into that so it could possibly be a separate option? Also if possible adding actual trans genitals (like tdick) or a micropenis option would be great too.

+1 to renaming "girlcum".  I also play transmasc characters and it really bugs me.

Yes  and it still not letting me 


I can't use my mods 

Have you enabled the modding in the options?


Need more sex!


will there be hardcore update? the game seems pretty easy when you reach like level 10


It's even easier when you're at level 100+.


you become one punch man


More like an "eye magnet".


I see that nun is pland I'm just wondering


Will there be a vore update? Just wondering.





plz no vore.....

Quick bug that I've been experiencing, when I download the game sometimes the menu prompts don't work, I click them but they don't work, then my game crashes, have not gone past character creator but that's because I spend hours there, saying this as in saying I don't know if it affects main game


Would love a notoriety/fame system. Something like the action you do and how long you have stayed in the prison! Like brawling fame where people fear you or ask you to protect them for credits and a slut fame where well... You can guess. Or overall notoriety where guards and inmates start calling you by name/nickname! Maybe a respect stat aswell where you basically behave good overall to you are respected by guards and stuff. The opposite where you act bad but are respected by inmates vice versa! Would love that. Also maybe an option to after a fight with someone where you can beat them up even more so they don't bother you? I have a few npc's that I don't want to see anymore but they keep appearing. Alright thanks of you read this!

Why l can t download mods?


I think some music in the game would be nice 


In my opinion, this is an additional burden on the game.


I was wondering when is gonna the next update and another one after? I'm happy that pregnancy thing got updated all but what about even better pregnancy features added and a new type of pregnancy called breast pregnancy, since impregnation is a thing but what if player can do ovipostion, laying eggs into anyone and ovipostion skills were added(similar to breeder skills but is egg laying). So anyone would be ether inmates, guards, nurses and engineers are female, herms and shemales who have boobs can get nipplefuck during sex and get breast pregnancy. That's the ideas for you to try rahimew and can you make pregnant bellies look rounder so it fits the length and more doctor quinn content. To everyone who reads this don't blame me if these ideas are horrible.


Oviposition is what I'd like but nipple pregnancy is a bit weird...

I mean there is a scene where artica gets it from a tentacle monster and it's eggs (why can't our character get them too ....) and i find that pretty hot

I agree with artica and tentacle monster thing and wished it for the player as well, just imagine new twists on pregnancy and impregnation. I wished rahimew would pay attention to our comments and ideas.

where can i find chasity cage? i can't find it

Downstairs in the gym there is a passage to the arena.

You need an announcer and 10 credits.


I feel like someone will make a fnia mod and bendy and ink machine mod


will there be bulges added to clothing at some point? stuff like a penis bulge or nipple pokies.

speaking of, will there be a proper, maybe subtle, nipple shape added int the future? right now all we have are colours that show areola, and as mentioned there's no pokies when horny. For now, every character is an innie.

Is anyone else having an issue on phone? It's not working

anyone know the code at the stock area for the flame heart quest?

hey is there a reason to level slaves beyond the point they reach S++ in everything? Do  i still get something out of making them Level 20 or something?

We would see a update in Sep or Oct i think. Can you please update Rahi and Nova . Rahi i would like to see that she can talk to your slaves and can Interact with them, same with Nova. It would be a life improvement for those two people in the game.

please help me I can’t play the game anymore 


POV that one human main that has an auto clicker and discovers the cheats panel:


what if majima was oiled up and naked wyd???


What kind of idiot?


finish the quest line on it

bro someone just put it on me and i cant take it off😡😡😭

Fucking annoying ain't it. You need to wait for your hypno whatever status to fall down enough to be able to remove it. To do so earlier you need a perk in the hypnosis skill tree.

oki ty ^^

(2 edits)

how get off that fucking portal panties? i want to get off it!!

Did you finish the quest line for them?

Once you do you have the choice to either keep them or give them back to Alex, and if you keep them you can take them off like every regular kind of clothing.

No...... i couldn't find this quest how to solve

Bluespace panties * Somehow fleshlights with your private bits were stolen! Alex said you can look for them in the cellblock, near the cells 

how can i finish this quest? Do i just walking around and wait to pray to meet?  what am i supposed to do now? 


Go to where you sleep, the right side of the threeway? should trigger an event after which you can get rid of it!


random question but will titjobs ever be a thing in this?


Great idea.


I have 1 idea

Skill update:

This update have the concepts of anime like

"The player never acquire "Criminal fighter" technique but, the infinite fights in the BDCC in the player body caused, his body to reflexively perform "Criminal fighter" in order to avoid lose the fight, in other words in 5 turns following Losing the fight, The player is effectively inmortal"

(this is only 1 idea, but for joke and for the reference)


OK, the real idea

Jobs Update:

Gardening Job, 2 hours, Paid: good Apple or Raw Food (it's random)

Engineer Assistant job, 3 hours, Paid: Random Weapon (Ilegal)

Medical Assistant Job, 4 hours, Paid: Random Medical item

Chef: 6 Hours, Paid: Random Cooked Food

Raw Food: Heal 5 pain

Cooked Food: Heal 20 Pain

New ability: Diligent Worker: better Paid for the work

What Change: Mining: 2 credits

Gardening: 1 good apple and Raw Food

Engineer: Random Weapon (Legal)

medical: 2 random Medical Item

Chef: 2 random Cooked Food

anyone can give this to RahiMew?

(5 edits) (+2)(-1)

Hi, after trying out this game, 5 hours of my life disappeared before my very eyes - and i mean that positively - but i've just got to do a little rating here.

I'd rate this a 4/5 stars, it's amazing and it feels like it accomplishes something that Trials in Tainted space was missing for me personally, 'sides the lack of transformation content of course. But that's not why i knocked it down to 4/5 stars, i rated as such because if it was 5 stars, what would there be to improve? There's content missing, bugs to fix, polish to complete and maybe more customization to add, But what's here is extremely promising. I'm very exited for what the full release of this will be.

Oh, and do you have any plans past the finished release of BDCC? I know it's probably a little too early to concern yourself with another whole game, but...

Once complete this game could be the foundation for larger projects in the future if you're willing and able. I'd love a game where we explore the universe outside of the prison, with our own ships to fly, the ability to use ranged weapons and shields, exploration, and... you get the idea I'm sure.

Uhhh, i dunno how to end this, so I'll end it on a little bug report. My character is stuck doing the humiliation drawing action in every sex scene that they're leading, and there isn't an option to stop drawing either. Selecting the option to begin drawing just brings me back to being unable to stop it again as well. Is there a temporary fix in the debug menu? or will i have to try a new save and avoid the action until a patch is released? thank you.

The life of a critic is simple in many ways, we risk little and have power over those who offer their work and service to our judgment. 

We thrive on negative reviews, which are fun to write and read, but the sad truth we must face is that in the grand order of things, any garbage has more meaning than our criticism lets on. 

But sometimes the critic does take a risk every time he discovers and defends something new, the world is usually cruel to new talent; new creations, the new, need friends. 

Last night I experienced something new; an extraordinary dinner from a unique and unexpected source. To say only that the food and its creator have challenged my prejudices about good cooking would understate reality; They have touched me deeply. 

In the past I have never hidden my disdain for Chef Gusteau's famous motto: Anyone can cook. But I finally realize what he really meant; Not everyone can become a great artist, but a great artist can come from anywhere. 

It is difficult to imagine a more humble origin than that of the genius who now cooks at Gusteau's restaurant and who, in this critic's opinion, is nothing less than the best chef in France. I'll be back to Gusteau's hungry soon!

Is there a way to quickly get rid of contraband? Just destroy, drop, or throw things away, rather than stash them.


just use it lmao

I wonder if they will ever add Leporidae as a race option? 

(Just for clarification, Leporidae is bunnies, hares, and rabbits.)


I think I saw a mod for a rabbit race.


Thank you for the information.

Please help, where is the captain to take off the collar


can anyone tell me how to enslave a person?


Talk to Socket in the mining department.

and then what can i do


Socket can expand your Cell. But you also have to played through the Arena if you want to enslave Guards, Docters or Engineers.

Deleted 231 days ago



I wish we could tie our slaves to us and keep our cocks in them while we walk around. (yes i know there’s the portals mod where you can do that,I personally find it hotter if u could tie the slave to you so they can be your attachable cum dump).

here is the only adequate comment


Can we change our slave fetist?


You can if you create a NPC from scratch and choose their fetishes. Create a character through the DataPacks option on the main menu then load them into your game with the DataPacks option in the pause menu.

Hello, maybe someone can help me: I wanted to get the Adv.Chasity Cage. I read that you would have to play through Alex's entire quest series to do this, but no matter which vending machine or in the arena, someone offers it to me for sale.

To get Adv.Chastity Cage you need Vion.


What do you do with vion to get it. I finished his quest line

you have to get a datapad from alex to hack it open but thats the part im also stuck at i cant figure out the unlock code it says its in plaintext but i dont know how to use it


I figured it out if you use the unlock command it will highlight the string it checks in the menu and that's the password

what's up with the real cuffs,  can they even be removed??

If the cuffs cannot be removed at all, then try to remove them using cheats.

Deleted post
Deleted post

Curious about the effects of the player's own personality, if it matters at all.

I'm actually not too sure, I know depending on how nice you are, you will talk differently during sex.

But other then that. . . 


When will the next update be?

not for at least 85 days

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