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Guys what is the password of the terminal??


Block unblock for lions I think




Any chance we could turn off hypno entirely? I've set everything related to 0/off and I still end up getting the visors and trance. Otherwise, great game!

There is a restrictions button within your "Me" menu. Go into it then find 'encounters', then 'restrictions'. From here you can turn off kinks. There is also the 'goal weights' menu which allows you to change the values at which NPCs pick certain actions.


As mentioned, everything related is set to zero/off and its still cropping up. Thank you though

if you mean specifically that npcs force visors on you and those put you in trance, it might be that visors are treated as bondage, so presumably if you shut down forced bondage it will stop 

This game's pretty gud.

this has ss13 written all over it

Deleted post

my game got bugged after i wear the portal panties the event doesnt show up i waited like 200 days and it still doesnt show

for event i mean test


This game is good 10/10 . 

the only thing I'm wondering is if Protogen's get added as a playable species.

It's a mod already

Oh thanks for letting me know


So for you guys that dont understand the hacking minigame! (Spoiler for Vion!!)

Step for step guid

for the datapad you need you have to advance with alex story

1. and only option after beginning -> help -> send -> probe -> send -> connect 3 (you need to click on the butten "NUMPAD" in the corner to wirte the 3) -> send -> help -> send -> unlock block (need to write manuel by clicking on "KEYBORD" in the corner) this is to skip the rest of this minigame. When you dont want to skip you can ignor this and follow this steps (not necessary for anything) -> unlock -> send -> monitor (remamber the green numbers in [] -> send -> strscan -> lock for the rigth grenn numbers in [] -> unlock (word behind the grenn numbers)

RahiMew mayby it is a idea to make a skip butten for the two hacking minigames or a option to disable it, for people that want to enjoy your game but dont understand that minigame?


0/10, Misleading Title.

Should be renamed to Rahi's Hubsand Simulator


you’re able to do other things you know 

There's much more yk


Anyone know the captain's password to open the safe in the control room?

Deleted 252 days ago

shes either by the machines in the mineshaft or waiting in front of the elevator on the cellblock level


Does anyone happen to know how the datapad works to help VION

If you scroll down the comments, you'll eventually find it. I do have a question. How do you get to that point? Do you have to complete a ton of the storyline to do it?

(1 edit)

Unlock block :]

Is that when you get to the computer and everything in the engine corridors?

(1 edit) (+1)

anyone else feel like it's unfair that we can have deep wound status effects. But can't give them to the random characters by beating the absolute shit out of them?

(during and not during sex)

Just give them triggers


Bro... I was Not ready for the Alex story line.  Not spoiling anything, but love that Foxo will protec till death definitely need more story there <3

yea the new gear is very useful 

Question and spoiler alert for the underground. 

Does anyone know how to enable the piss kink? I am fighting Kait in the arena, and it says that one of the options is to piss on her, but it says that piss is disabled. Does anyone know anything?

You have to go into the options on the main menu then scroll to the bottom should be there

somebody make an alien mod then pls


also make one where you could meet your kids

please add alien species <33

nah bro, please add  GNARPY


Gorgeous update! Relationship with Alex  just great! How sometimes, at the end, I want to break a couple of Avy’s bones both for Alex and for the fact that she literally tore me into pieces in the ring, but I’m afraid then Alex won’t live.

And hypnosis mmmm... it seems I began to wear a hypnovisor very often)))

Is there a discord or smthn to follow the progress of the game cause im doing my second playthrough and am noticing thar theres actually a lot of routes that arnt done like the betray tavi one anywho great game keep it up its the first furry porn game that I actually played to completion


Just made an account to comment on this specific game. Rahimew absolutely COOKED making this and updating it, geniunly one of the first furry porn games i've wanted to complete.    

thank you for all of your time and effort into this game and i can't wait to see what's next!! once again thank you Rahimew for cooking, you are truly talented.

one thing I think it would be cool for you to add would be some sort of reward for each ending like a trophy or something of the sorts. thank you for reading this, byebye!

(1 edit) (+3)

Update review: i just wanna say thank you to Rahimew for all her hard work. It's incredible that she puts so much work into a game like this, because it's a lot more then a porn game. It's a game full of story and lovely/wholesome moments, which is why i love Alex's story. Because it's more then getting fucked in the ass and whatnot, it's about building trust and Genuinely caring about the person you are talking with. 

And with that i wanna say that although Raihmew doesn't say anything. I'd like to think that she definitely does check the comments here. Because Alex's story Oddly enough goes really well with something i said in my last game review, because in my last comment i said it would be cute if Alex was cuddly and or wholesome or something a little like that.

Moving on i wanna point out Rahimew's comment she made in the Alex update post. she mentions that she should stop doing big updates like this, i just wanna say to Rahimew personally that we as fans of this game love the wait. Or at least i do, when there are to many small updates for main parts of story, it's like dying to just finally finish it. And it starts to feel a lot less exciting, so while i urge Rahimew to not overwork herself. i can say to definitely take your time with big and exciting story updates

And to finish off my review i'd like to throw out a few small ideas. for 1: i would love to have dynamic character memory, like for example if i beat the red gang enough times, the next time i encounter them maybe they fear me more. or have different dialogue and actions towards me 2: illegal vendors, like the Max mod, it would be cool if there were inmates who sell stuff like handmade armor.

And 3: (i'm separating this one because it stands out to me) I really REALLY would love more floors for inmates and guards to go to. like how you can go down to the mineshafts, or up to the medical wing, this is something that would definitely take time to make considering you would need new story or new main characters that are usually always there. but i feel like this would add so much more to the game including even more Possibilities to add more endings to the game with new unique characters with unique backstorys.

And with all that said, thanks to anybody who read all of this nonsense lol😅


this game has NO RIGHT makin me feel like embarrassed to admit I may have developed my first ever video game crush...

i...i NEED more Alex...pls...

The intergalactic government in this game is so overbearing, if a planet isn't following their laws, then basically everyone on that planet can be arrested and imprisoned forever.

Pretty crazy, no wonder there's a huge opposition group. 

Anyone know where tavi Is or if the end of this is out yet

(1 edit)

Nvm i just beat the game 90% to 100%

(2 edits) (+2)

Spioler for Vion!!! (becaus i see it often as a question here)

It is: unlock block

thx u so much

How can you get to that point in order to send that code in? Can you do in control room?

I wrote a step by step guide and just posted it here as a new commant


 can somebody make a diaper  mod


fuck no





i kust want that mod ngl

can someone plz tell me the answer for the Vion  datapod i give up i spend 4 hour on this i quit

The game is wonderful, the only thing I would like to see is more characters (for example, rats, and more hairstyles. 

Everything here is gorgeous!! The gameplay is good, similar to Metroid. I would add body deformation during sex. if you choose a huge penis and have sex, then your dick will go beyond the character's textures. I hope they fix this, because why was it necessary to add 50 centimeter penises? So far I give this game 8.7 out of 10.

So what if there was a super secret device or item which is really(10 times really) hidden in the game that adjust the bodies of other characters(characters like rahi, tavi and jacki only), for example change breast size and cock length as well as thickness, let's not forget changing colours or patterns. Thinking about making a sequel of this game or updates to add.

How do I manage the hacking for Vion?

I have no idea how to get the code to unlock his cage.

ditto been trying for 3 hours i have the worst migraine now -_-

(1 edit)

It is a pain in the butt. However, you have to first connect to the device, then monitor, then in the brackets there are numbers. ex: [8,14] The first number is for the left line, the second is for the top column. Then type disconnect, followed by what word is there where the two meet. Be sure the numbers are in green. Hope this helps.

What do I have to do with the numbers?

The numbers tell you where to look for the password to unlock the cage. So when looking at the device's code. (I through the Monitor option, after connecting to it and scanning) You should see a lines of code and there should be a green or red brackets with numbers. ex: [0,12] These numbers will help you to find the password. The password's hidden in the memdump. You will need to figure out how the last used command maps to the last accessed memory by trying out the other commands. Then use the unlock command with a wrong code to make it the last command, then read the last accessed memory to figure out where the password is. So in this case the code to unlock is "unlock block" It's tricky and very annoying.

I think "unlock block" is the default.

I got it! Thank you very much :)

I'm having trouble finding the garden for apples, can anyone tell me? 

I also love the game, it deffinetly has a lot of potential for future updates and it's great right now, one thing I'd like to see is more options verbally in lewd scenes, more things to request for example 

While I'm very grateful for any update, I would like to see some more stuff with Kait, preferably not stuff with brute force. I understand how much effort goes into each update and I'm sure the entire fanbase is too, I'd just like to make a humble request. 

Keep up the great work and don't forget to live a little


I just went through Alex's content. It's an amazing story. I've experienced a wide range of emotions going through this. Thank you very much


Can someone help me?, I am stucked in the hacking part tring to do the main tasks


if i could help ya i would but i am also stuck at hacking

like i legit don't get what i am looking for

(2 edits)

I love how i can just choose sex and dodge build and two shot almost everyone just by having some tally mark also while intoxicated I am almost untouchable by physical 

(edit: 10/10 very fun)

It's a very excellent game, but it seems that a few small actions are blurring. Although it doesn't affect anything, I still prefer a more realistic one. I'm not sure if it's possible to use its built-in mod editor to supplement this


I want a vore skill

duly noted


Love the game not only is it a good porn game but a good game in general, also the discord link is broke which sucks bevause i really want to follow the progress

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