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I've been messing around with the Debug Menu, and I've tried to do the duplicate and enslave npc command, but I can't seem to get it working. Could someone help out?

Is there a way to zoom your character out in the little window on the left? i tried looking on the discord but didnt see anything for Mac.

hover your cursor over the picture window and use the scroll wheel on your mouse or use two fingers on your trackpad

I've tried that but it doesn't work. Am I just screwed then

I don't think there is any other way to zoom, so yes.

Anyone has a working discord link? 

Deleted 328 days ago

you have to brute force the site you got brute.exe from then use the password you got to login as admin and wget brutev2

Deleted 328 days ago

how the heck did i have children that im both mother and father?

Deleted post

no never self fucked

Tribbing with someone after fucking them (with "cum stealing" enabled in the options)?

Riding a dildo after filling it with your own fluids?

Now that's neat


honestly think the only thing that would make the pet play content better is if we had the ability to put the puppy gear on our pc and walk around as a pup as well. would also be nice if some pup hoods were added to make it just that much more puppy-like~

Goin through a problem where if i download it(im on phone) the BDCC.pck isnt downloaded so i crash

Fixed it somehow after turning off modded laucher and allowing it access to my files

How do I remove Vion's chastity? I've tried datapad but I can't do it

Look further down in the comments, its been explained before.

Good luck!

For the main objective of finding a way to escape. is there currently an option or is that not in the game yet?

As far as I'm aware, there's one route with various paths available right now.

i cant find it sadly. mind sharing where it is? I do see one door i cant reach in engineering but other then that i cant find it

There's a certain girl called Tavi in the mineshafts. Pay her a visit and work with her.

Got it thanks. I kept my distance from her at first. mistake for sure

It won't let me import the saves that I export. Is it just me

Is it possible to be evil...?

yeah, it is

Can someone tell me how to spank someone? I need to do it to Level Up my slaves but i don't know how

it's under humiliation during sex scenes

ok how do I get Alex back? after the mineshaft quest he disappeared 

I figured it out. you have to attack the engineers and take parts 


Jesus Christ, I just have to ask. Can something be done about constantly getting raped?

Background. I'm lvl 30, I can murder everyone in this fkn prison. When I submit to people, it's because I want to have fun. For some stupid reason solid 80% of the time me submitting to people ends with me getting beaten, scratched, choked, or having my cock stomped on. Then having my unconscious body raped.

That's just fkn annoying, and NGL kinda creepy. Why is fighting back so shitty, and not accounting for your stats at all? Me punching and kicking during sex deals like, 3 to 5 HP worth of damage, when during combat my scratches do 40+. Also my 60+ agility means jack squat as well. Solid 9/10 escape or struggle attempts end in a fail, and in effect, unconsciousness, then having my body raped, or just hurt more.

Sitting at 4x stomach wound as we speak, cause these fkn creeps just keep stomping on my stomach and cock, because I have a cage equipped. I have anal bottom as loved, I have a caged cock, cause all these morons would do was try to suck or ride it themselves, and yeah. When taken away, They just hurt.

I literally had a dude rub my balls with his foot for 5 minutes straight of me just pressing continue, cause I was curious if he was going to do literally anything else. He did have a cock, he did have anal top as loved, but no. He never stopped rubbing. Both of our lust stuck at 0, no matter how much flavour text was trying to convince me how my cock wouldn't leak of pre all the time.

Then he stomped a couple times, made me unconscious, me trying to struggle was 100% failing of course, then he continued to rub my unconscious sack, till I got bored, and just pressed quick sex.

So yeah. Guess just curious. Will fighting back system will ever be expanded upon? Cause u added these options, but they just suck. 99% of the time you end up hurt and raped. It's fkn annoying, knowing if I just fought em, I could've fkn beaten em to a bloody pulp. 

Why not fucking beat em and "Sex!" Em? Cause I'm a fkn sub. Power bottom if you will. When I sub to someone is because I want to. Game doesn't get it at all tho.

And I get it, it's a fkn prison. And I get that getting raped will just happen, especially in early game, but it's what I've been saying. I'm lvl 30, and was in that prison for over 60 days.

I'm just curious if our stats could be used during struggling? Maybe power switching? When subbing to someone goes wrong, and you win the struggle? Hmm?

Just sayin. Other than that, great game, don't get me wrong. Been following it for like, a year? Enjoying it greatly. Writing's great~ Enjoyed the Tavi route a lot, how flexible it is. Side stories too. U can prolly guess Alex's is my fav atm, although Rahi's close second~ Rn trying to "finish" it to see if it matters in the ending at all. Positively surprised to see that finishing Alex's did affect his card. (Also made me sad as all hell. Wish I could take him with us, or... Dunno. Stay. Now that BDCC got "changed". U know? Oh well.)

But yeah. Sorry for the absolute monster of a post, but I had to get it off my chest. Continue the great work, and hope u don't find it demotivating. It's just rng being ass, I know. Hence the idea of fighting against it. Plus dynamic power switching could be cool. If I am strong enough, I should be able to, u know? Not have lvl 5s choke me out cause struggling fails, and punching deals 5dmg.

That is all.


I think I can help you a bit with your problem.  If you are in the game, one of the options outside of combat is "ME".  Click that, then "Encounters", then "Restrictions".   Within there, you should be able to turn off certain flags such as choking.  You can also reinforce this by changing "Goal Weights", also under the "Encounters" grouping, setting things you don't want to happen to 0% and reducing things you don't want to happen often.

From my understanding, this is a relatively new feature.  Not everything has a flag yet and certain scenes, especially involving story NPCs, can override your choices, but this should make it a bit better.  The "heal" option in the debug menu might also remove wounds, alongside reducing pain to 0 and increasing stamina to max, but I haven't tested this yet so I can't say for certain.


Hey, thank u, but I'm aware of that. It's a good bandaid, but doesn't really address the core issue, u know? I guess I could lower the chance of choking and ball stomping to be less frequent for now, but I really wish fighting back would be more viable as an actual option.

Still, thank u for responding~

Also the x4 stomach wound happened during a single encounter. I can go to the doc no problem, but that's just ridiculous.

heal pc does not remove wounds

go to your character's restrictions


Is there a way to turn Tavi into a dominant demon with a penis without her becoming a slave?

Or does she become a more dominant demon with you?

I'm pretty sure that was only a "nightmare". (Some nightmare, huh~?)

only in the nightmare

Where is Tavi, she isn't at the usual places. This for the Tavi's revenge task.


deal with kait then sleep


who/where is kait

Weird sometimes I get stuck on the loading screen on sex scenes what to doo

how to do the kidnaping

First you need to talk to Socket and unlock the ability to buy cell upgrades. Then you have to but the first upgrade which will allow you to store one slave.

When you encounter a new character (inmate) you will be able to enslave them, it will give you a list of tasks. Then you have to complete these tasks. After doing the deed you will be able to kidnap them as you leave. 

You can buy collars from the underground once you defeated Avy to enlsave other characters that are not inmates. 

Where do you find Socket?

Mineshafts, same place as Alex.

Thank you.


How to unlock permanent cage?

Hmm, the word permanent, what does it mean?

(I'm sorry, that was rude.)

unless you signed up for the Obedience training then you can't get it off. If you did, then you just have to keep skipping days until Eliza ends the experiment. She will check in on you every five days.

Ok I get it

Deleted 163 days ago

Honestly the game is real fun combat could be better but mods fixed the lack of variety in stuff honestly only thing i feel is missing is more intro crimes the framed, thief, murderer and prostitute format is nice but it would be cool to see a step above high sec like a max sec 


I like that idea. One thing i always though was missing was different permissions for different prisoners. Like being checked on by guards randomly as a high sec prisoner, or being able to go into more places as a sexual deviant prisoner as long as two guards are with you, like the greenhouse.

Having a max sec choice could be a fun challenging mode, where you're not allowed to buy certain items, or turning the yard into a restricted zone for you.

Talking about this also makes me really want the "Good prisoner" Route for tavi to come out. it makes me wonder if we will be tricked by the captain, or if we will eventually serve our indefinite sentence.


Put. It. On. Discord. 

Sometimes people just have good ideas and then put them on, I will not give the link to the discord since I am lazy but it's just a work of finding it on the wiki. (This game's wiki is not big and it is in fandom ok?)

are there other games similar to this?


Fenoxo/Savin games are very similar (TiTS and CoC1&2). I'm looking forward to more amazing talent in this field of ero games. RahiMew is doing fantastic.

trials in tainted space and corruption of champions 2 are both available but corruption of champions needed flash to play sadly.


Huh thought they had a version that could be played without

???? Aren’t they have an android ver on their site?

i legit forgot about the app, but yeah that is true.

Hello, does anyone know what the Vion code is for their cage? I just didn't understand very well how to get the unlock code.

Deleted 314 days ago

Rahimew, since you added new socket and npc slavery as well new cock and body skin patterns . When are you going to spice up some things like cumflation and pregnancy expansion on every npc in the game by belly?

(1 edit)


All of that has been in the game since like, forever ago.


I'm meant that in hyper pregnancy and hyper cumflation for the game, you know what "spice up something" means add something extra or new on the same thing.

Cumflation as it stands rn leaves a lot to be desired tbh. It barely happens, and when it does, it's barely noticeable.

like getting a way bigger belly by hyper cumflation and hyper pregnancy, and I mean super huge. So more cum or fluid on virginal, anus or oral and the more babies in the womb during pregnancy the bigger the belly can get and I mean the belly can go hyper sized. I wished rahimew can add something bizarre but insane like nipple fuck and breast pregnancy if you and other guys saying this idea is insane then I agree. 1 more thing I wish would be added is a experimental growth drug which can be found very rarely in the medical, what this do is able to grow boobs and cocks, making them bigger, the biggest size breasts can get is j cup and for any penis 50cm let's not forget the thickness growth(but and thighs), the thickest can get is 200% thick.


honestly, the best furry game i found on here so far and i've been playing it for quite a while now. I've really been loving the game and the updates but sometimes it feels like it needs some more stuf with the "generic" npcs you encounter? like, being able to progressively bond with them and becoming more intimate until you can get them to spend time with you or even become partners? I don't know, i just felt like this could be cool


I'd dig more of that too tbh. U can re-encounter people, but it's really inorganic. Building relations, maybe more intimate stuff like cuddles, kisses.

Here's hoping. Dunno how'd that work tho. Would Tavi get pushed down to the acquaintance, and whoever u romanced and bonded with gets to gtfo with u two?



i just wanted to cuddle a man that's all

the last update was 2 months ago but it seemed 1 month i love this game you have good ideas for updates keep it up rahi <3


How do u get the save file into phone, i cant seem to find a way to get it there

Ok sooo i have been looking deeply into my phone for the files that could be leading to the saves, but nowhere to be found, it just saves in the game itself, but doesnt save in any of the documents, is there a fix for it?

I know it says how but I'm still a little confused, how do I make static NPC's into dynamic ones with the ability to enslave them. I really want to break Risha.

(1 edit)

Turning Risha into a personal fucktoy would be goated.

(But sadly idk either)

the update note says dynamic, so I assume it's all the encounter NPCs so that way you don't end up breaking the story, any questlines or any NPCs that may be needed elsewhere.

how do you get strap-ons?

You can buy them from the announcer in the underground.

I think im a dumbass or something lol where is the underground?

Look around the gym.


this is like the better version of trials in tainted space

How and/or where do I get portal panties and the portal onahole?

From Alex.

Good to know, thanks. Does the game have a guide anywhere to find?


Idk I just learn as I play.

The keyboard inputs don't seem to be working in the newest Web version...

Discord invitation is invalid (

Deleted 322 days ago

You have to expand your cell first!

What the login password in hacking safe?



Bro pls🙏

Brother I can't open it, is for hacking practice purposes for future hacking update I 🤔

It is fully openable. I can only suggest messing with the hacking program some more. It was such a DUH moment for me.

I just opened the debug menu and used the skip hack option


With body being a customization option (and ANTHRO body being the only option) I hope Taurs and/or feral bodies come in a future update soon, would love to play as a taur, and I’m hoping there are different taur types, like wolf taurs and etc 

I agree

(1 edit) (+4)(-8)

There's a lot about this that I liked, seriously one of the best sex based games ever I cannot express how much I love this game...but there are a few aspects that I feel should be looked at either changed as standard or just have as a check box in the menu.

1. NO FORCED LOSING Like partly why I liked this was the power fantasy but having a character with 1000 strength constantly losing takes me out of the action and is honestly really annoying.


3. More trans rep in both wording but also maybe have transition a viable option in the medical section?

4. Have more egalitarian dynamics I know this is a BDSM game but not every encounter and relationship needs to be dom/sub (REST OF CRITICISM RETRACTED)

5. Let me kill people! Why is it only ever unconscious? Yeah some characters are plot relevant but Morrowind resolved that issue years back let me murder a bitch for fuck sake! Having blood as a fluid to be covered in to get intimidation bonuses or something would be cool.

6. Give Eliza a more appropriate ending for someone who has committed as many crimes as she has.

7. Make ALL restraints removable you can make the collar really difficult to remove but literally impossible is just boring and takes me out of the game.

8. More base stat options starting at 0 strength for a serial killer character is a bit weird.

4. Have more egalitarian dynamics I know this is a BDSM game but not every encounter and relationship needs to be dom/sub also having that be the resolution to some characters mental health issues is offensive at best but more importantly is a dangerous precedent to even mention.

This would be one of my major points of feedback as well.  I certainly enjoy the game, but have found myself frustrated by the lack of egalitarian choices, as well as how certain choices that might *seem* innocent immediately put the player into a hardcore dom/sub dynamic.  

The most obvious/grating (to me) example is Tavi.  I've read the "director's commentary" on the Tavi-intro scene, and yes, Tavi has issues in a lot of ways, but the reason I dislike her interaction *isn't* that you have to be her sub--it's the way that choice is presented.  

She first asks to be friends.  Great!  Then she talks about "loyalty"--which is a little weird, but hey, maybe she's been burned in the past.  But once you agree to be a loyal friend, suddenly she's under the impression that you're automatically her subby bitch, demands that you serve her and call her mistress, and gets violent if you don't.  What?!  

After that, there's no option to go back and talk about things like adults.  There's no possibility of mutual respect.  The only way to get more Tavi content is to "Apologize" (for what?!) and accede to her whims.  That's what grates on me--it's less about being her sub _per se_ and more about the facts that (1) this comes out of nowhere, (2) there's no chance to talk about the relationship in a reasonable manner, and (3) the game itself--by having the only reconciliatory option be "Apologize"--seems to indicate that it's the player, rather than Tavi, who has unreasonable views of what "friendship" and "loyalty" mean.  

Similarly, you can interact with Rahi and/or Jacky as a supportive friend would, and suddenly end up with them as your slave, and you as their master wondering what just happened.  

I will say I like the Alex storyline, precisely because it's *not* this.  You (eventually) get to have plenty of BDSM, but it's clear (sometimes even *overly* clear) that it's consensual and respectful.  

(1 edit) (+3)

So, this is just an opinion. But if you can change the color of the NPC's name Color  after training them enough, why can't we? I know there is kinda a set thing where your name is a certain color based on gender. But if we can change it for NPC's, I feel like we should be able to do the same.

I also think it would be cool if we could add small descriptions to our characters, like how you can change the ones NPC's have. For example, my character is a fluffy dog named Frenzy. so a description could be [One of the inmates, a Fluffy canine with a cute smile.] Or whatever, you get the point.

Yeah good idea 👍👍👍

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