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can you add rabbits into the game?


also, what did Avy do to Kait?!


sorry that im ucultured but what in the world is a peachboy


Male with a pussy. Some don't like the name cuntboy and I think peachboy sounds better ^^

would it be possible to add that as an option in the character creator?

um my game got frozen using the dc how do i fix it without  resetting my progress or something like that

What's dc? I would either need some steps to reproduce it or a save


Very polished! The content is very good too. Putting TiTS to shame

(4 edits) (+2)

Surprising amount of content. Hopefully we'll see more of the characters from the underground out and about in the prison, they're all great! 

Found a bug: Restraints resets to 100% if you select rest then sleep on your bed but does not reset if you select any other rest option 


Thankies. Sleep reseting restraints is intended to be like that. But maybe you're right and they should reset after resting too, will think about it


Ehhhh, I personally don't really get that mechanic in the game. Also, adding that feature onto the rest option would likely make escaping from the mental ward impossible.

Oh that's what I was thinking before. Sleeping I can understand not resetting the restraint, because it's progress and all. But the mental ward where you get the shower where the gear is taken off and put back on... That doesn't make sense that it isn't reset.... Might need to make the "rest" option in the cell restore energy to keep at it, before shower time.




There is an option to enable debug/cheats panel in the settings ^^


What I'm trying to figure out is how in any universe providing daycare jobs, teaching jobs, most likely more doctor type jobs, teaching tools, food for a few hundred kids by 2 people, as well as places to sleep, all for multiple years no less, for them is easier than just sterilizing a few inmates. or even separating them. Hell they even increase the speed at which the kids develop in the womb for more kids! I know I shouldn't question porn game logic but this one really has me questioning my understanding of economics. Though I also know I have poor understanding as it is.


Amazing game, as a lover of Trials in Tainted space the moment you mentioned it I decided to play and was not disappointed. Can't wait to see it finished!


Try not to overwork yourself, you cant complete your goals ifyou burn out or overwork yourself! Also remember to hydrate :D


Aw, thank you <3. I found a good rhythm that works for me. I split big tasks into lots of small trivial ones and do something every day that way


Das good! Well keep up the amazing work!


Will there be any animated sexual actions in the game at some point?

I know this is a text based gameplay, but since it already have the side screen of showing whats going on in the game. I would assume there will be animated sex actions and scenario´s.


There might be but no promises ^^. I have some problems to solve first

I'm really enjoying this game so far! Really like the milking mechanic with Dr. Quinn. Is the seed milking by pump a feature that can be unlocked, or is it not implemented yet?
I also wonder if there are ways to increase your total cum capacity?


Thanks for the kind words. The whole milking part of the game probably needs an overhaul cause it was done fairly early but I'm focused on other things for now. No way to increase cum capacity yet. Glad you enjoyed my game though ^^

small suggestion: let the player create a portrait for their character, not necessary but i think it would be a nice touch

yeah, that would be cool to have some basic facial creation options

it's a great game i do wish there was more BDSM restraints and other stuff


also, kind of embarrassed now that I say this I kind of also want to see another toggleable mode for the game that's for abdls like the mode for people into "water sports"

how do i add mod


Can't wait to see more like animations on some scenes and more


The game is very good! I love the non-con parts! But is there anything after you complete the quest from Tavi?

If you gave her the drugs then that's the end of her main quest for now


any plans for animated interactions like using the right side people and making them interact abit when doing stuff from combat to naughty

There might be plans about that but no promises, animation takes forever for me and I have to decide how to handle big dick sizes

Deleted post

Game's nice, but may I ask will there ever be a full sex animation on the doll panel?

There might be but no promises, not sure how to handle all the dick sizes that are possible in the game without huge clipping

Game is amazing. I'm just having a few errors that prevent me from using any previous saves, the game itself loads fine but when i do anything for a period of time the status effects keep doubling  and eventually  it crashes. when trying to figure it out in the actual engine, i get this error message: 

Invalid type in function 'append_array' in base 'Array'. Cannot convert argument 1 from Nil to Array.

any help would be great, but if i need to i can create a new save. Keep up the awesome work

I'm sorry that happened to your save :o. Best way to fix it would be sending me that save, the error is not enough to trace it back. You can send me a pm in discord Alexofp#2499

I Figured it out! When my amd driers hard-core died, it crashed my computer and corrupted  a few things along with my save.  :( oh well, back to the old drawing board. 

Sorry to hear that :o

it happens, decided to start fresh, and the errors are still crashing the game even with a new save. but i dunno maybe the engine just don't like me :p

oh :o that's very strange. Maybe if you open the game through the editor you might see what causes the errors for you? Like a full stacktrace would be nice at least :o

is there a way to meditate?

(1 edit)

press me then press wait or just wait you can choose how long to meditate for

hope this helps

Is that struggling minigame based on a certain rhythm game or am I just imagining things xD

Apparently, ramming the checkpoint guard crashes the game.

Huh. I can't reproduce that. Did you do something specific?

I dunno, I was screw around with debug, that may have caused it.


For a game thats still a wip its really good good joob


When gay update


what do I gotta do to get some cv or something added LOL

also - I LOVE where this going! this is delightful, can't wait to see more! <3 


Where can I find mods for this game?

In the game's discord ^^


Its a great game but i would reccomend being able to upgrade perks instead of just learning them. I keep getting notified that a skill has upgraded and i just keep getting perk points.


Just wanted to say something, but there's a prison in the far west of New South Wales, Australia called the 'Broken Hills Correctional Centre', and its the 4th oldest prison still in operation in NSW.

So that's pretty cool.


The sex scene with Kait from the arena is mind blowing, it makes me so horny and feel so sorry for the girl for what I've done at the same time. I really hope to have a gentler way to love her in the future team escape storyline.


Glad that scene has resonated with you ^^. Yeah, there will be an entire route devoted to her in the future after I'm done with Tavi's route. I do wanna explore some dark themes in my game so there will be more scenes like that probably. I just need them to make sense, I don't want pointless violence


Bro, the game so far is kinda lit, the world needs more games inspired by TITS and Lilith's Throne.

Deleted 1 year ago

Thanks for the kind words. Chasity cages are planned of course. Would need to change lots of scene to accommodate for them which is why they are not a priority


Loving this so far!


this game is so cool and hot! honestly one of my favorites so far, and ive been looking for a while. thank you for making it!


It's a great game, now it's even better because of the update. I have a suggestion for Reputation because at the beginning you can choose why you get locked up. maybe you can add so if you choose for example murder you can fight back and maybe win, and the people inside prison don't take you lightly. Then if you do more stuff your reputation grows as ... And became more dominant or more submissive(add more stats like dominant or manners ) and maybe add more skills to like brutalize people. If you beat them one time they will have a dialog, for example, "I'll come back and best you up"stuff like that and when you meet them at like cafe or somewhere else you can mock them and it gives a scene. Ifyou do it more and more they can fear you more and become your pet and you can make them do interesting stuff that's my suggestion thank you.


Yeah, reputation system is one of the things I'd like to implement at some point. Just not a priority at the moment. But it would allow the player to transition between high-sec/general/sex-deviant blocks based on their actions. And some scenes would change too based on it. I agree that its a good thing to explore at some point, thanks for the kind words


I'd like to say a few nice things about this game.

I haven't played it much yet, but in that short time the game left a great impression, especially the character avatar, probably the first such game with such an animated avatar, and it looks very cool. The game shows a lot of potential to grow into a very good game. I wish the author creative inspiration and as few problems as possible with this project, I will look forward to updates.


Thanks a lot for the kind words ^^

keeps saying that webgl is not available

64 bit only ?


Yeah, sorry


Don't apologize, I just wanted to make sure. I can still play on the site. Thanks for the reply)

Will this game get any more updates or is the game deas?

It will of course ^^

May I ask when??

When its done and tested enough. Should be soon but you know how it is sometimes ^^

Yeah sometimes but still cant wait to see how much stuff will be added~

(1 edit)

I played this game for hours and enjoy playing it. I also wanted to say many other things like I played this game using my very soul and decisions I got so immersed I made decisions I would probably make IRL. Also, you did great work on the characters! My time playing was uneventful because like I said played the game like it was real life. Eventually though I accepted to become a test subject for the credits and to better the world. "Worst mistake ever" I was filled with wrath because I was treated like I was nothing more like a toy to that person. What really put me on the warpath was the goo thing and not receiving any help to escape from it while she watched. When I tried to escape the padded room, she just kept beating me! it was humiliating enough that I spent a lot of time beating up everyone for a baton. At the end I had 10 batons and a few shivs as well as a storage of painkillers and energy drinks. She humiliated me so much I took part again just so I could fight her using my newly acquired baton and shiv. It was great to finally have a chance against her and I won! I had never done any NSFW until the goo thing shown up.

Is it always bad treatment or is it because I was a red?

Glad you enjoyed it ^^. I wanna explore some themes that other lewd games usually don't touch, like the medical play. Or bdsm stuff ^^

Inmate type only changes some dialogue for now, don't wanna gate content away considering there is not that much of it yet.

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