I actually made a data pack of my own containing 31 character to be exact? Well loading it in has the common chance to crash while playing it though, I double check everything that causes to crash but it seems like is unfixable though leaving it there at the top of my data pack list. Edit: Also thanks I'll be looking at the data pack browser sometimes, tell me when it's out!
I'm tracking the game's development on the github and I warn you: my comment is with spoilers, so be careful!
As far as I can tell, the story part is already finished, the author is now working on additional features and improving the game. This happened a few days ago, if memory serves me correctly. And all this time I couldn't get my head around one thing. Unfortunately, in a negative way. Once again, I warn you, there are spoilers.
I won't give you a lot of spoilers, but I'll explain the basics. There are two new characters from the AlphaCorp alternative, the Syndicate. And we start working for them. And we do so many things for them, just so many things. And they get a lot of benefits, profits and a lot of good things from us. But in the endings, regardless of the side we chose or whatever, neither of these two people we worked for, they still won't take our collar off or help us escape at all. Considering how much we've done for them, that seems extremely despicable to me.
I don't know if it's just me being a sissy or what, but I just can't get over it. We've done so many things for them. It's a piece of cake for them to take our collar off and rescue us. Just a couple of orders, or actions, and that's it! They've thanked us! But no. “Helped me rise up the ranks of the biggest, badass slave trading family in the world? Well done, but you'll still be a slave because I'm a bitch.”, or ”Helped me with past problems and being my psychologist? “Great job, but you'll still be a slave because I don't care.” I still get a kick out of that thought.
I don't mean to be a bad person, but this plot twist seems terribly unfair to me. But that's subjective, maybe someone will like that, but I'm too delicate for that :).
Translated with the translator, so there may be inaccuracies and other things, know that I did not try to offend anyone, just English is not my native language and how to speak it correctly I do not know.
Are you referring to some sort of game convention or something plot-driven? It's just that I seem to have looked at all the story additions on the github. I don't deny that maybe I missed something, but still... What do you mean?
A very nice game, when I first started playing the game, I thought it was going to be based off a Sub's point of view, but when I got to roam on my own and be as Mean and Dominant as possible, my opinion changed. The character customization is always going to be a good thing in my book, along with a story, and the ability to have mods is a plus as well.
Rahi won't do anything with a character without the permission of the owner.
In fact Socket wasn't planned to be breedable at all but the supporters really wanted to breed her. So Rahi asked for permission to make Socket breedable. If I'm remembering this right
does anyone have any updates on when the next update comes out or what might be coming in the next update I tried looking on GitHub but I can't understand what changes are being made
I think it is going to be droped in a few days at least if nothing goes wrong. And for the new things I think is better to wait for the changelog. But I think It will expand the Dom aspect of the game but is only my speculation.
please add the Russian language. I don't know English well and sometimes I don't understand what and which button aboutplease add the Russian language. I don't know English well and sometimes I don't understand what and which button means
-You are now able to steal inmates stuff also in their cell while they're not looking or not aware, but careful some inmates are really good at stealing better watch your pockets. Guards are also aware of thieves so be careful if you see one patrolling the area or else you'll get caught.
-(Edit)Thieves only steals between 16:00 to 22:00 including night time.
-Thieves skill tree containing 11 Perks/Skills.
-There are five reputation level for the thief.
-New location called "The Thieves Den" This is where all the thieves gather and sell their stolen goods as well. You can also join them or exposed them for good if U like it or not. It is located at the bottom of the yard area on the second dead end area.
This adds nothing but I need someone to mod chubby bears somehow into this game so bad. AHHH. I suck at that type of stuff but I have seen the power of modders. One day it'll happen (maybe).
asking again bcs im about to go nuts, does anyone know where to find tavi after we get the reveal of her mother, and she is not in the usual mineshafts block? please, im desperate to find her and i feel like i looked everywhere. thank you.
NAH YOU NEEDED TO ASK QUINN INSTEAD OF MINDLESSLY SEARCHING. bro i got my combat so up bcs i fought so many guards at restricted areas looking for her.. sigh
Hii, I'm really enjoying the game, I'm still going to finish it, but I'm curious about how it was made, like, what was the process of creating this game style like?
If playing with Debug/Cheats. Pull up the menu and there should be a button to remove all bondage (Except for the prison collar). There may also be an option to remove all pre-game opt-outs but not sure where that is. Otherwise, rydudex is correct.
I think you misunderstood me, I'm not demanding that the update is now, I just asked if anyone knows anything about the update, what it will be and when it will be. It's a simple question, you don't need to look for bad intentions where there are none.
For timeline progress, go to the linked Github page for BDCC. It has the project's active code. Alternations, additions, and updates are shown under the Actions tab. Look for new action logs from Alexofp (AKA Rahi). There you can see what the creator has been working on most recently! No official dates but something to tide us over until the grand reveal.
I'm not sure if anyone had this problem before but I play on mobile and the mods section worked perfectly fine till recently, about a week ago the game just randomly broke whenever I tried to login and even when I deleted all my mods, reinstalled the game it wouldn't work and only worked when I disabled the mod browser entirely.
It happened to me when I proceed to the next day while I definitely saw one inmate having a stock in their hand and I help then have it in my inventory to this day though I still have it.
I come with more suggestions to add to the game, It would be useful to have a dog's body and we are talking about a character that would walk on all fours, The centaur body is something that would be great to see in the game, It would also be nice to see round breasts and not pointed ones. It would also be interesting to see the option of having a double dick in the game ( I will post all the pictures below )
← Return to game
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Mean while my mentally of patience:
Me: MOLDED, ROTTING, SLOWLY DECAYING, each pun and each line, was it all worth PRETENDING? they all no longer here, OH, BUDDY, OUR LEGACY. . . IS OVER!
Damn bro you're addicted to this
Not addicted I got used to it though.
Head hunter I said someone should make a data pack charcter for ya don't know if anyone wants to. I don't know how data pack charcs work /tedious
I actually made a data pack of my own containing 31 character to be exact? Well loading it in has the common chance to crash while playing it though, I double check everything that causes to crash but it seems like is unfixable though leaving it there at the top of my data pack list. Edit: Also thanks I'll be looking at the data pack browser sometimes, tell me when it's out!
Try separating the characters
Wait what. What's the name of it?
Can we also add I'ma bit embarrassed to ask for this nursing handjobs. Not now or in a few months.
I'm tracking the game's development on the github and I warn you: my comment is with spoilers, so be careful!
As far as I can tell, the story part is already finished, the author is now working on additional features and improving the game. This happened a few days ago, if memory serves me correctly. And all this time I couldn't get my head around one thing. Unfortunately, in a negative way. Once again, I warn you, there are spoilers.
I won't give you a lot of spoilers, but I'll explain the basics. There are two new characters from the AlphaCorp alternative, the Syndicate. And we start working for them. And we do so many things for them, just so many things. And they get a lot of benefits, profits and a lot of good things from us. But in the endings, regardless of the side we chose or whatever, neither of these two people we worked for, they still won't take our collar off or help us escape at all. Considering how much we've done for them, that seems extremely despicable to me.
I don't know if it's just me being a sissy or what, but I just can't get over it. We've done so many things for them. It's a piece of cake for them to take our collar off and rescue us. Just a couple of orders, or actions, and that's it! They've thanked us! But no. “Helped me rise up the ranks of the biggest, badass slave trading family in the world? Well done, but you'll still be a slave because I'm a bitch.”, or ”Helped me with past problems and being my psychologist? “Great job, but you'll still be a slave because I don't care.” I still get a kick out of that thought.
I don't mean to be a bad person, but this plot twist seems terribly unfair to me. But that's subjective, maybe someone will like that, but I'm too delicate for that :).
Translated with the translator, so there may be inaccuracies and other things, know that I did not try to offend anyone, just English is not my native language and how to speak it correctly I do not know.
I mean it was hinted at I think
I believe Alex renyard said something also any updates to my pal?
I've played the update trust me there is a reason.
I haven't finished it yet though.
Are you referring to some sort of game convention or something plot-driven? It's just that I seem to have looked at all the story additions on the github. I don't deny that maybe I missed something, but still... What do you mean?
A very nice game, when I first started playing the game, I thought it was going to be based off a Sub's point of view, but when I got to roam on my own and be as Mean and Dominant as possible, my opinion changed. The character customization is always going to be a good thing in my book, along with a story, and the ability to have mods is a plus as well.
how do you have Alex trust you more?
watch him work, do what he says, but be just a little bit bratty so you don't become a pushover, etc
thanks bro
Any mods to play as Nova? Or good fanfics about her? Recently realized her antics would probably be very good to follow
Also, I feel like it wouldn't hurt for people to be nicer, rather than just ask for more stuff they want. This game is very impressive as is
Nova is owned by someone else so Rahi would need permission to use her for something like that.
I don't think people usually need permission for fanfic and modding, as long as they don't go too out of character, no?
Also, what about Risha thou?
Rahi won't do anything with a character without the permission of the owner.
In fact Socket wasn't planned to be breedable at all but the supporters really wanted to breed her. So Rahi asked for permission to make Socket breedable. If I'm remembering this right
I was thinking about fanart and mods actually, not oficial content. Who are their owners thou please?
There is a Nova Dawfort (also goes by sprocket sometimes) in the discord that owns nova and risha I believe rahi created
i reset deleted every mods and development everthing yet still the game craches help please
pls add muscle growth content
pretty sure there is a mod for that, search BDCC in itch.io for the download
For some reason I read it as "moustache growth", and was very confused for a short while
That would be a very unusual fetish
is that gonna fixx it
add the effect of water in the shower!
Please add sounds to the game 🙏
I really love Alex
I wish that you could customize your own slaves at the medical bay.
does anyone have any updates on when the next update comes out or what might be coming in the next update I tried looking on GitHub but I can't understand what changes are being made
It should come any day now but yeah it is taking a long time
I think it is going to be droped in a few days at least if nothing goes wrong. And for the new things I think is better to wait for the changelog. But I think It will expand the Dom aspect of the game but is only my speculation.
That's a good speculation
I wish have more cloths in this game 🤤
Their are cloths mods.
it would be nice to see the character creation overhauled insted of what it looks like now some eyes would make the models pop out
Maybe someone will make a mod for it.
More skill trees
please add the Russian language. I don't know English well and sometimes I don't understand what and which button aboutplease add the Russian language. I don't know English well and sometimes I don't understand what and which button means
На главном экране есть кнопка AvtoTranslate нажми и выбери язык (нужно подключение к инету)
Absolutely phenomenal game.
I was wondering, is it possible to maybe add support for intiface to this? It would make this game perfect IMO.
-You are now able to steal inmates stuff also in their cell while they're not looking or not aware, but careful some inmates are really good at stealing better watch your pockets. Guards are also aware of thieves so be careful if you see one patrolling the area or else you'll get caught.
-(Edit)Thieves only steals between 16:00 to 22:00 including night time.
-Thieves skill tree containing 11 Perks/Skills.
-There are five reputation level for the thief.
-New location called "The Thieves Den" This is where all the thieves gather and sell their stolen goods as well. You can also join them or exposed them for good if U like it or not. It is located at the bottom of the yard area on the second dead end area.
Hope y'all like the idea!!!
I really wish you could ask your "slave" to dominate you more often.
does anyone know where the slutwall is ? thanks !!
Do you know where the gym in the cellblock is?
If no go to the checkpoint on cellblock, checkpoint is before the elevator, then just go south/down then go to the left most area.
If yes just south of it there is a NPC called bulldog talk to him to gain entire.
Then the top right area has the slut wall.
Hope this helps.
oh my gosh you are a LIFESAVER. thank you!!!!
Guys how do i fix the moment Tavi Module stopped my game?
Okay can you explain how it stopped your game?
When i run the mods it's just stopped at "Tavi Module"
This adds nothing but I need someone to mod chubby bears somehow into this game so bad. AHHH. I suck at that type of stuff but I have seen the power of modders. One day it'll happen (maybe).
asking again bcs im about to go nuts, does anyone know where to find tavi after we get the reveal of her mother, and she is not in the usual mineshafts block? please, im desperate to find her and i feel like i looked everywhere. thank you.
NAH YOU NEEDED TO ASK QUINN INSTEAD OF MINDLESSLY SEARCHING. bro i got my combat so up bcs i fought so many guards at restricted areas looking for her.. sigh
I've always wondered why you can't show a character's vagina in a game?
It's 2D not 3D
But alot of games (Like Shinobi Girl) still portrayed Xray and internal view even 2D. It's a thought that might be worth exploring
Rahi tried x-ray it was too difficult to do
people, Give me mods I want play with the 200% of my PC
Go to BDCC's discord
Also here https://github.com/Alexofp/BDCCMods
its very good, but sadly i am already done with it :3
Hii, I'm really enjoying the game, I'm still going to finish it, but I'm curious about how it was made, like, what was the process of creating this game style like?
Well godot was used
where do you find tavi after that scene when she (spoiler) gets told that the android (i forgot the name) was her mother?
pls im desperate for the answer. cant find her anywhere.
I dunno, but i think a vore mod / optional content would fit.
Might be just me.
Kinda wish while hypnotized people would use your member
does anyone know how to check crash logs?
Should be in the game folder
I love how the file size for android is 69mb. Game is really fun too
does anyone know the console command to remove the permanent chastity cage?
yeah new game
If playing with Debug/Cheats. Pull up the menu and there should be a button to remove all bondage (Except for the prison collar). There may also be an option to remove all pre-game opt-outs but not sure where that is. Otherwise, rydudex is correct.
does anyone know when there will be an update?
A Rahi is never late, nor is she early, she completes the update precisely when she means to.
Bro that's a terrible response the best thing to do is wait
ok, i will give you a better response
Rahi is working solo on this game and so far she didnt threw a single incomplete update
kindly wait, it will come when its done
I really appreciate his work and respect it, it's not easy
I think you misunderstood me, I'm not demanding that the update is now, I just asked if anyone knows anything about the update, what it will be and when it will be. It's a simple question, you don't need to look for bad intentions where there are none.
For timeline progress, go to the linked Github page for BDCC. It has the project's active code. Alternations, additions, and updates are shown under the Actions tab. Look for new action logs from Alexofp (AKA Rahi). There you can see what the creator has been working on most recently! No official dates but something to tide us over until the grand reveal.
every update begins every 3 months after the most recent update with the days coming on through 1-9 or 20-29
not gnl all the wat through be intresting
Let me just give appreciation for the it/its support. Makes me quite happy
I'm not sure if anyone had this problem before but I play on mobile and the mods section worked perfectly fine till recently, about a week ago the game just randomly broke whenever I tried to login and even when I deleted all my mods, reinstalled the game it wouldn't work and only worked when I disabled the mod browser entirely.
Is there something I can do or?
I'm having the same problem is there anyway to fix it.
I don't know if anyone has already pointed this out yet. but if an inmate is still in stocks when you end the day.
They will still have them equipped... It's a minor thing but just something that happens.
It happened to me when I proceed to the next day while I definitely saw one inmate having a stock in their hand and I help then have it in my inventory to this day though I still have it.
The bug is either fixed in the new update or in the github version i can't remember which one
I come with more suggestions to add to the game, It would be useful to have a dog's body and we are talking about a character that would walk on all fours, The centaur body is something that would be great to see in the game, It would also be nice to see round breasts and not pointed ones. It would also be interesting to see the option of having a double dick in the game ( I will post all the pictures below )

( ̄_ ̄|||)
-.- Hmm...
Double D yeah sure maybe, but the rest is straight up no! Thx for porn tho.