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(1 edit)

Slight new update spoilers, avert eyes 

So Mirri if you fight to dominate her and lose the dialogue seems to hint at a losing scene, but the only option is to push away. Is that content to be added later or am I missing something?


Just a suggestion for a future update it would be intersting if we werent just prisoners like for example like being able to play as a guard and etc and so i understand game development is hard though so i understandif this isnt possible

Curious to know, why cant I do any of the new fuck options and only the ride ones?

forgot to remove their pants?

I def removed them, im not sure if its because of one of the mods I'm running.

undress them in sex, there is a button 


At first it seemed like a quality but porn game about BDSM in a prison, but it ended up as a, indeed a kind of masterpiece with interesting lore. Though, i couldn't expect less from an SS13 player.


anyone know how to hack vion belt id try so many times but nothing


7 days ago


flame_hellfire22 days ago

I'll quote previous comment here:

nooblotus9 months ago(+10)(-1)

So for you guys that dont understand the hacking minigame! (Spoiler for Vion!!)

Step for step guid

for the datapad you need you have to advance with alex story

1. and only option after beginning -> help -> send -> probe -> send -> connect 3 (you need to click on the butten "NUMPAD" in the corner to wirte the 3) -> send -> help -> send -> unlock block (need to write manuel by clicking on "KEYBORD" in the corner) this is to skip the rest of this minigame. When you dont want to skip you can ignor this and follow this steps (not necessary for anything) -> unlock -> send -> monitor (remamber the green numbers in [] -> send -> strscan -> lock for the rigth grenn numbers in [] -> unlock (word behind the grenn numbers)


as of right now I choose to play with the stimulation option off. There is not much incentive to keep it on unless you only have sex on the rare occasion. Plus, there are some perks that clash with the system like the sex streak one and some of the breeding ones. I'm guessing there will be a perk tree to go along with it in the future but right now it limits gameplay and since sex is like a good chunk of the game you are kind of handicapping yourself.  Thats all my opinion so test it for yourself, maybe you will like the challenge such a system offers.

Looking forward to future updates, hopefully next one will be a Katz one. Kinda want to see if her escape plan is as disastrous as Tavi's. 


How did turn off?

(1 edit) (+2)

On the main menu, go to "Options", scroll down to Difficulty settings, then uncheck the box that says "Overstimulation mechanic".

Then hit "Save and close" at the bottom and it should be off.

How do I get apples for Rahi?

yo can steal them at the security camp near the greenzone, or if you are a female yo will recive apples once you gave birth every day at the nurse.


Rahi did patch the sensitivity I don't know when it will be posted here

I think it is uptdated


!!!Okay, wall of text with spoilers!!!

Well, I went through the new story. And I didn't like it. More on that later, just a common plot error to start with. 

Like, the currency on the station isn't a common currency in the galaxy, so these worker credits are just local currency that isn't accepted anywhere else. Chips with it are given to inmates for working or participating in experiments, and they somehow insert them into their collar and replenish their account. (That's the way I remember it. But I'm not damn sure about that, since I've been playing for a long time.) And slave traders have other credits, galaxy-wide credits that are accepted outside the station. That is, not slave credits, but standard credits. How are standard credits exchanged for station work credits? Here's just a little mistake.

And here are the reasons why I didn't like the plot. As I wrote when I was monitoring the development on github, the endings are completely unfair. One that goes “Uh, you helped me deal with my past and sold my fucking daughter that I hate so much, great job, but I'm not taking the collar off you, fuck you!”, then the second one goes “Uh, you helped me kill my father and take the control of his slave-trading family for myself, and in general, I fucking love you, uh, but I'm still not gonna take the collar off you because I'm a stupid bitch! Fuck you!” And the third one, where the two are combined! Now that I've been through the story, I can tell that it's bullshit!

Regardless of the ending, the leader or just a member of a huge family of slave owners are fucking powerful guys. And none of these people “who are extremely grateful to us” were willing to even try to remove the collar! That's awful, if you ask me. The plot rationale is that they don't know how (Miri doesn't know and Luks doesn't give a fuck.), and anyway, the collar is explosive. Fucking awesome! I mean, it's illogical! While they can spend money on some ridiculous bullshit like dangerous genetic pyrokinesis, they don't want to spend some money on taking off a fucking iron! (Although, looking for logic in a porn game... Yeah, I'm a fuckwit.)

But seriously, I love this game. I really like it. For the customization, for the porn content, for the story at the end of the story. The beauty of this game is that it goes beyond a porn game for me. that's why the plot twists are even more frustrating. It's like if Rahi (the character) turns out to be an android at the end of her story and tries to kill you. Same kind of betrayal. And the fact that I actually like this game will make me berate it even more. It's like this.

damn it, I've been waiting for the update for almost 100 days, and after I tried it out, I realized that this is a filler for me because auction is like an management to Stellaris.

Nah, it's easy. After the first two times, you can just click through.

Soul Scream. I like this game, so I'm going to be blunt and honest. The overstimulation system looks like bullshit right now. So the situation is: defeated a inmate; dragged him to the stocks; want to fuck him; I start. And during that, I get a question. How do I cum? What do I have to do to do it?! “Arousal" doesn't even get to 90%! (At least for me.) What the fuck? What am I supposed to do?

Don't think I haven't figured it out, I have!  Well, I tried. And it didn't work! I've tried stopping sex, I've tried stopping during sex, I've tried drugs, nothing works. I've even set my fetishes to the max, and still nothing works! Can someone please tell me what the point is?

Read the previous comments regarding this issue, I had it too. Someone said that rahi knows about the sensitivity/overstimulation system issue which broke the game post-update and the patch will drop tomorrow or sooner maybe (depending on timezone since I live on sea, I might receive the update more late or maybe a day longer or 2) so ur not alone and patiently wait for new update fixes

There's a patch that tweaks the system to be more forgiven. you can also out right disable it now which I'm doing till the mechanic is fleshed out further

How to make your slave cum just from spanking them because nothing I am doing or trying is working 

I'm finding myself to be crashing too many times. It's starting to feel unplayable for me.

(2 edits)

redownload, l have this situation before and re-download will fix everything 

A little late but thanks.



the update is great aside from the sensitivity mechanic, it's quite literally busted


Is there a way other than lubes to control sensitivity?


FANTASIC game I just wish there was transformation elements plsplspls


Overstimulation and sensitivity mechanics might not be convenient at this stage, but it is an interesting mechanic, nonetheless! 

Improvement suggestions:

- Separate button for sensitivity training instead of pausing. 

If that breaks immersion, a stamina bar to prevent having sex and orgasm forever 

- Overstimulation stopping perk for constant lovemaking

I absolutely love the constant update though. Keep up the good work!


Is there a way to disable the sensitivity (overstimulating) system? I'd be nice if there was a perk to stop the player from overstimulation for efficient breeding


My honest reaction about the Sensitivity mechanic. 







The sensitivity system is quite bad.



Wish there was a method to change your character's likes and dislikes.


You might be able to do that by going to the 'me' section, then 'encounters' and 'my fetishes'!


thank you

How to get to blacktail market?

Nothing happens after 'being watched' event.


(2 edits)

it will unlock automatically , wait for a few day and then a character will show up. If you have already unlock it, push the slave button and the bIacktaiI market is at the bottom right corner. 

I tried sleeping for a few weeks, but nobody showed up.

I checked the slave menu as well, but no button for the blacktail market yet.

(2 edits)

Go around the level where you sleep it will automatically show up don't use vent

I tried walking around the cellblock, but again nothing happened.

I guess it's bugged or there is some other hidden condition required.


The sensitivity changes, I think, they broke the game.

A lot of sex interactions just never complete because no one can climax.

My first scene with my sub character legitimately lasted a full day since the other partner either couldn't or wouldn't stop.


Agree, My Male semen farm is out of order because of this sensitivity mechanic. (-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩___-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩) "Man this sucks I can't even impregnating girls and milk semen anymore. "


yea l hate the sensitivity changes too

This is art, its the best thing i ever played


ngl this latest update was kinda underwhelming

You know I imagine in the future there might be a 3d version of this game becomes popular enough.

Anyway I really like this game.

There is a 3d game that takes place within the prison also made by Rahi, in her Itch page


For all of the people complaining about the problems with the sensitivity Rahi knows and is planning to release a fix tomorrow


You know what? I think this needs a quick fix asap, this new sensitivity system feels like soft lock due to debuff you got which increase overtime you tryna going into diddy party and its not fun at all :<

Maybe limiting it or have options to disable could solve this issue ☝🤓

Почему после победы тебя нагинают а не ты ???????

Опа русские, смотри там есть несколько кнопок 1 просто уйти 2 когда ты нагинаешь 3 когда тебя нагинают вроде там ещё есть кнопки но я не помню и также не помню в каких порядках они стоят


Based Update


unironically this update just made my entire game worse lmao.

It broke almost all my mods and added a status that ruins %90 of the sex scenes. overstimulation should be handled better then this, 5 pumps in and now both characters cant even climax, it shouldn't halt lust build up just slow it down or something.

I just hope a mod comes out to disable this de-buff specifically because there's is just no enjoyment to be had now... Pun intentional.


Idk about the mods since i dont use it on my playthrough except datapacks since its much more stable and doesn't cause some random crashes, and i haven't play it long enough but i check all the new animations and some new ones kinda has flicker overlap issue especially with my character's huge dick/balls overlapping like crazy with belly/legs. Its not a problem much but holy hell! 

You are kinda right it took me almost 2 hours (time played 2 h, 4 min according to my device activity. Another half time just looking at all animations, and testing blackmarket slave) just for trying succesfully getting orgasm/climax lol its so rediculous and frustrating that I tried anything as well by drugging, latching pumps, humiliations(somehow works only on sub but its very slowly going up by spamming on body drawing), filling all holes, switching, hypnotizing over 1 fucking person for one night. 

My save playthrough is at 06:37 am till Midnight its just stuck there i hardly reaching orgasm/climax anymore after going in twice/thrice

Imo it should be fixed/reworked again cuz ik sensitivity settings can be nice addition but this is joke. And %100 need an option to disable it


overstimulated enemies get you stuck in an infinite loop when they dom because they cant finish lmao, the new update softlocks you if you lose in battle.


their should be a update where if you have someone's lust all the way up you can do a gang bang

Would it be possible for there to be a permanent chastity option for characters with pussies?

(1 edit) (+4)

Like  new update. not sure about over stimulation


Hey, what about adding other types of body expansion like weight gain or other types of inflation?   


Peak got updated

Awesome i've Been Waiting!

It updated


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