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I really liked this game! 

Rahi, you did a great job. Keep up the good work. But don't overwork yourself! I am absolutely sure that this project has a great future.

Thanks for the unusual experience, Rahi <3


Thank you for the kind words. There are good and bad days for me, just a human after all. But I'm still trying to work on my game every day ^^. I feel addicted to completing tasks which is probably good. Taking some time to delevop handy dev tools really helped me lately too


yes rahimew we will never be hard oh you we will be honest and patient


also I’m new here hi everyone 


I’m really curious what it be to be honest 

(1 edit) (-1)

hey rahimew what the next update going to be?  just saying 

with all the ss13 terms, it only hardens my theory that the furries have taken over

Are there any new species planned?

found a bug or problem. when i try to look into jakes name, it closes the game.


That one will be fixed in the next update, he and Skar have the wrong species set


I mean it’s super easy fixing a mistake once you figure it out I’m here for support 

is there an ending to this game?


Not yet, from what i know. You get close, but it seems that until theres a definite ending your path kinda pulls a 'try another method' except said method doesn't exist yet.


Possible bug/unintended feature:

I'm very into breeding, so I made the menstrual cicle 1 day long, but didn't bother changing the lifespan of the egg. Now most of the women I impregnate give birth to twins or even triplets

Also when recieving oral from a dom sometimes the pronouns are switched, such as "you cum, filling your throat with cum"


Did you get this UI and game concept from Lilith's Throne? It looks extremely similar to it, but hopefully much more stable.


it's got elements of trials in tainted space to. I love it.


Yeah lol and I like how this game displays the player movement activities on the right side, it's increasing the fun factor of the game.


i mean the game (she or he) made seems to be inspired by it as well trials in tainted space so yeah it is

У меня есть небольшой вопрос, планируете ли вы когда-нибудь добавить мультиплеер? Это оказало бы довольно хорошее влияние на игру (мое мнение), и я также хочу искренне сказать, что игра заслуживает уважения, вы очень хорошо рисуете, большое вам спасибо за игру! Я желаю вам удачи в дальнейшем развитии .


Any chance in an update, that if you're playing a character that was wrongly imprisoned. We could see an update to the interaction when Nova was complaining about being pregnant. A simple response of "Before prison my life was fine. And will gladly help take care of our children. If you help clear my name." Instead of responding with "I'm an inmate, my life is ruined."

I like the idea of someone naively thinking a public defender is on the case and will help you get out of prison at any moment now. Maybe ending where after you bring 50 (or some number set in the options menu) kids into this world they decide finally they wasted too much taxpayer money you specifically.

(8 edits) (+1)

your not wrong I mean the game gives you the option that your actually innocent from the other three at the start of the game once you finish customizing your character I mean someone has set you up in the game. (which not a hundred percent sure)                                       my theory is in the space prison you trying to find as much help and complete tasks so you can get closer to who should be the prisoner not you again it’s a theory I don’t know how the full story ends

is there sound planned anytime soon? that would be so goood


can you make the self fuck option to available after you decide to keep the portal panties and not just in the one scene during the quest? or add other ways to self fuck?

(2 edits) (+2)

You know the game's gonna be good when the first thing in the options menu is "pregnancy settings" lol

Loogs good, gonna give it a try

Edit: Ended up giving it way more time than I planned to. It's very polished, full of features, and the built-in breeding sistem is a plus for me, even thou I didn't fully get how it works

The thing is, this suffers from the same problem of most porn games, in that I eventualy just wanna get to the porn, and the gameplay ends up mostly getting in the way

On a second playthtough, the game is a lot more customizable than I realized. You can customize what NPCs are alowed to do to you, meaning you don't actualy have to wrestle with the game at all (not unless you wanna advance the plot without cheating), you can just surrender and NPCs will fuck you in any way you want

Personally, I'd like to see a certain feminine guard at least in the arena after intake. So far I've had no interaction with her since. Maybe even the sex prompt upon winning that initial scuffle?


At night she can be found in the weight lifting area of the garden and can have fun with her after her workout. You can also have two different interactions with her if you get stuck in the stocks by interacting with them.

good to know. also, having trouble with keyboard response on the android port.

how do you get the perm cage off?

That's kinda the point of it. But each 5 days a new scene will happen related to that, just follow that little storyline

ah i hadnt been going to the sleeping area as much didnt trigger the scene

day 35 it CAN come off if you want it too. then you can just buy a lv 5 cage from anons.

anyone know how often the game gets updates?

Probably around 30-40 days unless it's a big update (based on time between previous updates) I think since it's probably just RahiMew developing it.

Probably best not to think too much and check back in 8+ more days to see if it got an update.


thanks. cant wait to pummel avy for hurting Rahi.


same here tbh ive been fucking waiting for that opportunity



Yea lol


It might seem like I have a schedule but the deadlines put too much stress on little poor me ^^. I just do tasks one by one, naturally sometimes they take up longer than a month, I'm not a machine. You know how they say, lower your expectations and you will never be disappointed ^^


to the developer I must say fantastic work/Idea. I must also ask will they do more games in this way and style. like a medieval setting for example.


Awesome game



Keep in mind that I have not gone through the code, or done a full playthrough yet, but will there be any autopenetration/autofellatio or just some consensual  *portal panties* in the future,  (or is there already contant in the game?) because I like the idea, but don't like NonCon. Thank you.

*Side note: Just wondering if you can make the Bio Info more compact  so it can fit in one screenshot, it would make it a lot easier instead of writing it,  (or by taking multiple screenshots.) It just Quality of life change for the people that might want to copy a character sheet.

*P.s. If you see Stud again, tell him that there will be hell to pay if I see him doing something funny again, or just plain bullying the other inmates. 

Sincerely June, Your friendly Lilac Cellblock neighbor.


Here's her character info (for the other users if they want to roleplay as her.)


June Jaracho ;  Is headstrong and has a strong sense of justice, she only turn to prostitution as a last resort, do to the fact that she was living in the slums and dying of starvation on her homeworld. She see prison as a blessing in disguise, because she probably would have been dead by now without it.   She cares deeply for her fellow neighbor and steps up for those in need.

*Bio info: 

Head: human, Hair: short,  Ears: human,  Horns: dragon horns 2, Arms: anthro, Breasts:  Female B, Penis: Human 18 cm, Balls: 0%, Vagina: true, Anus: true, Tail: demon tail, Legs: planti legs.


god damn this game underrated

(1 edit)

i downloaded the main file from github what do i press to open game

Is it possible to change the language text in some way in this game?

2 questions: 1 will there be a way to increase cum output in the future?

2 will you be able to subjugate characters prisoners and prison guards alike?

I think you can increase cum output by making your balls bigger in the character creator

How do you give Tavi drugs?

Kind of a nsfw text incoming.  

I accidentally gave myself a @nus with  a womb at the start of the game and now after i got pregnant i am endlessly lactating and gaining size on them, is there a way to reverse it back or at least stop it?

just sleep until the lactation stops, it's not endless

but it just starts over again and again. Also is it possible to reduce it's size back to flat or is it irreversible?

ever tried doing debug? its on the menu option screen. unless you don't want to debug, then I dunno how to fix that


fun game, cant wait for more dominant aimed content

Where do I download mods

Join the Discord 


I liked the previous test to get BDSM things off better, and its almost impossible to get stuff off when its hard to do the test, and you remove things at 2 percent a try, plus people putting more stuff on you and you cant fight back because of the stuff...

a question, are there endings or not and how to find out, someone explain to me please

None yet

the godot engine keeps crashing

if the game crashes on start remove everything except saves from the '%appdata%/Godot/app_userdata/BDCC' folder and try again.

Thank you

I kinda suck with names but who is Eliza?


The labcoat that you meet at the start, you can talk to them in medical.


Real fun! Keep up the good work. I'm excited to see what the captain would want from the player.

I've been playing this game a fair bit the past couple weeks and been enjoying it a good deal and hope there will be some extra character options/visualizations in the future.

Like, example, if you chose to have GG-cup breast, then unlock the Extra Milk perk, you'll see a change when you go to "GG+", but if you have Mega Milk (and presumably Gigga Milk, I haven't unlocked yet), there's no visible change for going 2, 3, or 4 cups beyond GG.

Will there be an ultrasound scene that'll let you check on your developing pregnancy? Maybe check what sex the baby will be or if you're having more than one?

And this is my "bigger is better" side taking over, but how about overweight characters? Or the ability to choose breasts larger than GG or a dick bigger than 50cm?

where do you change the encounter settings?


Me -> Encounters

nvm found it!


will the game have some sex scene animations like getting knotted and more?

will there eventually be transformations that affect thickness and femininity?

No plans for any transformations for now, working on other tasks

how do i unlock the breeder skill?

breed others or get bred

I don't see any thing for the breader skill i.e no abilities (just incase I use mobile).

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