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WOW! It's a good game  ;-)

will there be any more updates?


Of course ^^. I'm working on updates each day. Will take a while, gamedev isn't fast

That's good to hear so what are you planning to add to the game?


Ideas for improvement:

1. more detailed character dolls (colors, fur patterns)

2.make the character dolls do what they're actually doing ( sex scene in the character doll screen)

3.icons for interaction, sometimes I dont know a certain point on the map is interactable until I walk there


I'm up to see more combat skills. It's already 11 free perk point I have right now


Maybe during the lewd scenes have the dolls actually act out what happens

Are you ever planning on making the character dolls penis erect/flaccid depending on your lust level?


Yeah, that would make sense. Need to draw sprites for each first though. I'm trying to balance my time between many tasks ^^


man if trials in tainted space had a similar character window like this game it would be 100x better. Really looking forward to what you do with this game, very hard to find good nsfw games on a phone.


It would also be great if TiTS’s combat and masturbation system would be as

detailed and interactive(?) as it is in this game. 

 I think the only thing Close to this in TiTS is the intercourse with Page.

Android folks, if the game freezes for you when you try to load save/start new game, try the 'BDCC gles2.apk' version, some people report it working better. I will try to improve compatability in the next update

Not sure if it's just a me issue or a mobile issue, but I play on iPad and whenever I try to begin a new game or load a save, the game crashes. I can look at options and credits, but can't actually play without it crashing. 

Game screen uses 3d models to display the player doll so the web version is really picky about what webgl version your browser supports. Sorry, I can't really test on iOS devices as I don't have any

(1 edit) (+1)

Ok, so on my first playthrough I just didn't go to the greenhouses because it said they were off limits, even though there wasn't physically anything stopping me. This time I was very curious what I was missing, so I saved first (in case I decided I didn't care) then tried going there... that's essentially where the entirety of the game is (which in the game's current state, appears to be entirely female guards, or maybe I just never found any male ones). In a place where you're not supposed to be. So the intent is that the MC does something they're not supposed to do??? Though that does explain why the MC's dialogue suggests so much resistance. Maybe I'm not the intended audience for this game...

There will be different routes eventually, including one where the player is a well-behaving inmate. It's just that I wanna focus on a different route for now, sorry ^^

hola y buenas.

quería reportar que con la nueva versión bdcc gles2 el problema ya esta solucionado.

nota: no respondí en el mismo hilo porque por alguna razón  itch se bugea ( supongo puede que se deba a mi pc muy antigua) y no añade el cometario solo para aclarar.

hola y buenas.

quería reporta un bug en la versión de android .

este impide iniciar un nuevo juego al seleccionar la opción el juego queda atascado  en la pantalla del menú de inicio por tiempo infinito.

 ya intente tanto esperando, como reinstalando el juego de nuevo.

aclaro esto solo me pasa en la nueva versión  ya que la antigua funciona normal.


I uploaded a version that uses gles2 instead of newer gles3, please try it. 'BDCC gles2.apk'

(1 edit) (+5)

Really like what you have so far! I've been playing a bit of TiTS myself recently along with this game and I can definitely see the inspiration, but I can also see a lot of improvements (overall expansion of skills and various skill branches, gaining exp from doing sex scenes, theinclusionofwatersports). It also made me realize how much I love the idea of being able to turn on/off certain fetish content from the options menu (really wish you could do that in TiTS). Hopefully you keep that moving forward! You have a really strong base and I'd love to see what else you add.


I absolutely love this! Easily my favorite nsfw game by far. I can't wait to see what add next. If you're taking suggestions I'd suggest that there be some more options in the character customization. Don't get me wrong it has a lot of options and I'm sure that you have some content planned for it but I'd love to see options for specific species, say I want to play as a fox but there's only one option for a fox. One thing I'd love to see is something like a pen that the player could get to write custom messages on themselves along with a way to make those messages permanent like say tattoos. Last thing I'd like to suggest is maybe some buffs to the player for certain pieces of bondage, I'm not really sure what they would be but it would defiantly be interesting to see something like that. I honestly don't know how well these ideas will work in practice but I hope that will add to the game in a positive way if you add them in some form or another. Anyway keep up the great work, can't wait for the next update!


Thanks for the kind words, more customization is planned for sure, maybe also through mod support when I get around to it. I feel like bondage gear should only give debuffs by default, they're designed to limit you after all. But if you want buffs from the gear, there are already some perks in the bdsm skill that give some advantages ^^. I do plan on expanding it too, the whole BDSM side is what I wanna put focus on. Next update with lots of new features is in the progress, I'm finishing writing new content for it


Thanks for considering my thoughts. Can't wait for that next update.

I have a idea for bondage gear. Since one of the perks allow you to take them off and store them in your inventory, how about making it so that you can put them on other characters? Be a fun little perk.

just curious but what are ya currently working on, i wanna know what is to come for the next update and if youd like an estimate on when itll release


Some restraints will be visible on the player. New animations. Melee weapons. Lust-based combat been changed, 3 teasing attacks are replaced by a way better system that has more depth to it, the same system now allows for masturbation. Gym will have some content. Added new area that has a huge focus on fighting.

All the coding is pretty much done, still need some sprites drawn and lots of scenes written. Probably will take about 2 more weeks. Next update after this one will be focused on adding modding to the game


Just wanted to say I love the game. Playing on Android and can't wait for the next updates! 💘 Great job so far!!


We've already sent a few comments back and forth on an earlier date, but I'd like to show some encouragement. The game is fantastic so far, and one of the few games I'm keeping my eye on my feed for. However, I do enjoy the minigame for escaping bondage, although I must say it is quite the sudden contrast from the rest of the game. It also takes much longer to take off... So far, that minigame is one of the few active sessions you have to partake in if you want to progress the story. Because of that, I was wondering... When you have no energy left, and have no way of access to your bed, possibly instead of the minigame, a much more difficult challenge is proposed? Possibly having to half your health, or pay a few credits. I do enjoy the minigame as stated, but possibly might there be more than one option to take off the bondage? 


Thanks a lot for the kind words ^^. Yeah, I will think about it, more ways of taking of restraints is a good idea. Shouldn't be free like you said. I'm working on the game every day, it just takes a lot of time ^^

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

can u make the character have skin color faces etc  and i love ur game keep it up cuz its my fav


As mentioned before, the systems seem like a great framework for a game (aside from lack of keyboard shortcuts), but where the game fails is content.

If you prefer anything other than submitting to submitting to a group of fems (some with 'equipment', some without), this game may not be for you.

I started as a female and was sad that most if not all the prison staff were female. I then restarted as a male, only to find out the game doesn't seem to like the dommale/subfem archetypes.

Personally, I'd prefer more males in the staff and/or the option to switch genders of current staff first. But if there's plans to allow dom playthrougghs, that's icing on the cake. 

(1 edit) (+2)

Kinda disappointed to be honest. I've been playing for a few hours now and there's no way to progress the story unless you're willing to be a sub. You can fight your way out of those situations but 9/10 times you will lose and if you do win nothing will change except some flavor text. If you want to progress at all you will be forced to sub in some way or another. 


Yeah, not only do you need to be a sub, but you have to be a sub to mostly fem crowd. Shame, because this game seems to have a lot of potential.


Yeah, there of course will be more male and dom content ^^. The game is just in a very early state, I'm trying to balance between making new systems and writing scenes. There will be a way to progress through the story as a dominant character without subbing to anyone, it's all just comes down to me writing faster ^^. Thanks for trying the game though


it's been a bit now, when will that content come out? Just checked the updates and saw nothing mentioning it

(1 edit) (+3)

It is a great game, and the stuff that is already there is really fun to play.

A few suggestions I would like to make:

  • Make the stocks easier when activated by the player and let guard put the player there by chance or when already in full bondage-gear.
  • Let the penis “shrink/grow” based on the lust, like 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%
  • Add visuals to the bondage-gear. Like Arms behind back when cuffed. That the character hobbles when wearing fetters.
  • A way to control vibrating toys. Like a remote one can buy/find or simply a choice to use a switch on them.

Maybe one or two of these where already planed but I thought it might be good to put the here anyway.


Nice one! 

But would like to see more changes on char, based on char settings and ect ( like, make 50 sm cock really bigger on char, same for boobs,, char thickness, ect) 

Wish you luck whis this project, I've really enjoyed it! 

Thanks ^^. That is actually implemented for the next update already ^^

Yay<3 glad to hear 'dat!

Btw! Can I have I lil' interview whis ya? :D if so, I'mma dm ya in discord (my nick same as here - Ray)

you can just ask here or in my discord server, interview sounds kinda scary :o

Don't worry mate! It's just few simple questions..two questions, actually (well, at this moment:) c: 

Also I wanna DM cuz..well, just wanna make it look between us.  I don't like asking em' here, I've always make it in private>//< 

Eh, know sounds more spooky.. But chill, it's not like I'm gonna ask you super personal questions. I can even give a hint - one about you and one about the game :p

(1 edit)

Also I hate when the dialogue getting interrupted by others in public chat, tho 

(Sorry for, uh , spam"?><)


loving the game so far can't wait to see whats to come ^_^

Wow damn this is really good, there are a lot of well thought out and working systems in this already and thats quite amazing. Cant wait for more! ill go show this to everyone who might be interested :)

Thanks a lot for the kind words, I wanted to try and make the choices and lewd actions also affect the gameplay, give bonuses or debuffs. So all the systems are designed to do that. There will be more, developing just takes a while x3. What I have right now took me 6 months to make from scratch

Im most impressed by how you have combined the bondage system with others, the way the map goes dark with a blindfold, diffrent abilities being disabled and so on- it makes it feel much less like flavor and more core to the entire game. I'd love to see more consequences to wearing diffrent types of gear, maybe some which cause situational events like a trap that only activates while a certain gear is put on. I like how all the perks can encourage diffrent types of gameplay styles, the little experiment event you can do with the doctor is interesting, although having the content behind this could be a shame since some players wont be able to see it depending on what they do- I could go on, but just know its all very cool

Thanks. Bondage is gonna be this game's big feature so I will try to expand it more ^^

(1 edit)

Looks like this game is off to a great start. Reminds me of CoC

If possible, could you add a small paragraph to ME screen that describes the choices made during character creation? Something like "<Playername> is a Canine-Human Hybrid male that was imprisoned for the crime of Theft (or whatever the player chose)"


Thanks :o I was inspired by many games, including CoC. Yeah, that seems like a good idea

I honestly dont like the osu-esqe minigame. Also why is restraint level 2 much easier than restraint level 5? that just seems off.

Yeah it needs more balancing and polish, thanks for the feedback ^^ I needed some kind of mouse-only minigame and it seemed like a good choice


I didn't encounter any minigames on my playthrough, so I didn't realize there were any... Perhaps there just aren't any yet on a submissive M/M route. Were you planning to make minigames a large part of the game?

I use minigames when I wanna replace randomness with something more player-controlled. But nah, I don't think there will be many. If the minigame is not good enough to be fun on its own then it's gonna become tedious very fast


great game, but i personally think it requires more content

make more animated, and more colors

(1 edit) (+4)

There is no easy way of taking off the restraints, which makes the game a little difficult. But this is one of the best games I've played recently and would love to see it expanded. (as you have said) And like someone else said *cheats* would be awesome, not many so the game isn't too easy. 

You can buy a key to open it from the vendomart

They only help when you:

A: either have enough money to buy them when needed or bought them in advance. (For me it was not the case when I needed to free the hands to work for said money.)


B: your hands are free. If not, good luck guessing a number, the tips when choosing  a wrong number are helpful, but there still is a good chance to waste a Key for just guessing bad.

(1 edit) (+1)

Not necessary because if you do 70 if it's too low do 30 then you can easily do it, even better if you "Quick Save" before start guessing because it's the same number and you can keep trying then if you are close but not sure just "Quick Load" After that, you can guess.

The money you can get is quite fast because if you work at the mines in 1 day you can get around 3 credits if you want mastery/level you can either fight with the mine girl or fight guards at the farm you can get items, exp, money if you run out of energy you can always drink an energy drink if it's still too hard just do a "Quick Save Fight", the best way to fight is to shove them to the ground then bite because it deals the highest damage and causes bleeding if they manage to get up just Quick save before shoving so if you fail u can load. 


I would suggest you have what is installed to be a folder so we don't have to create one. 


If you don't mind can you add a cheat menu.


haha yes!!!


Love it but nova is creepy, I put 150 volts* though her you know what, and I come back and she said sup? fix that. also you keep saying trusting instead of thrusting.

*At least 150 volt or more.

Yeah the dialog is kinda the same after a scene


I absolutely love what has been done so far, I will definitely be following this project with a loving eye.

Thankies ^^ I try to work on it every day but I think it will still take a long time

(1 edit) (+2)

I love the game and look forward to further content, story, and features to be added, and I'd particularly love to see the combat expanded upon, where you could have weapons such as knifes, stun batons, whips, or something else, and for the dragon species to gain some unique power to breath fire, though I realize how hard to balance and make realistic enough to satisfy others would be, maybe add a roar mechanic that can knock enemies down (Or they trip trying to back away but doesn't work on certain enemies) or make them not attack for a turn(Out of fear but also wouldn't work on certain enemies without maybe another upgrade in the combat tree for dragons that maybe makes it louder and more intimidating and making the intimidated effect last for another turn) but either way keep up the amazing content and work, look forward to what you'll add next ^^.


Thanks ^^. Combat will be expanded for sure, I do have plans to add melee weapons and some other things. Yeah, like you said, balancing different species sounds like a very complicated task, considering you can be a hybrid of two species. I will think about it for sure.

Of course, and I've seen others here offering to help write parts for you, not to be rude to them but I've noticed the grammatical or generally incoherence to their speech, I wrote fan fictions of a game called UnderTale, personal stories with my own characters, and typically do text based roleplay, and personally I'd say I'm more suited for helping in your endeavors. So if you need any help at all with writing, I could help, that is if your willing to have me, I could explain more in private, if you have Instagram, Discord, or some other messaging platform I could get it and do my best to assist you with this game as it would bring me no more joy than to help, if you desire my help, email my Gmail, Nightshadesombra, I'm also glad to see such a active creator interacting and answering fans, either way, whatever your decision, I can't wait for the development of this game and all you have to offer for the community.

I'm not a native english speaker so my language skills aren't the best too, I make mistakes and my writing style is quite simple, heh. Google docs is a life saver. But yeah, doing erp is where I got my skills from too.

It's hard to let anyone else write for characters that I created. I think I will go the other way, I will try to create a modding api asap and write some guides about how to add in your own characters, events and scenes. Then I can just ask to add someone's mod into the base game if it fits very well ^^

Alright, best of luck on making the game and adding support for fans to add their own touches for their own saves, I can tell your probably going for something similar to what Fort of Chains and LustDoll+ are doing, I hope this game can be among those two as some of the best roleplay games of this genera, though I would love to maybe make a character for this world that could be something of maybe a companion for the player Character and make it where you can adjust their skills stats and stuff, as I see the potential for multiple enemy battles that could be easily implemented with how things are currently set up, plus this game could use some more interactive characters like static encounters that react to the players choices, so if you like I could make one and let you decide if you want to add it in ^^. 


Gay customization please? (likes just replace names,remove bo*bs in text and add pen(ikr theres alot text to write but u making a game afterall isnt it?)).Also can you visually put visual aspects likes p size and "came" inflation

(1 edit) (-5)

Lol these dumb downvotes. If yall didnt realize i havent said "redo entire game" i just ask for an option to make game gay or leave how it is (do you realize what "optional" means?)

(1 edit) (+1)(-6)

Im not even gay lol,just a bi. Hypocritic homophobes


Love this game! The amount of customisation in this game is next level! The fact you can freely be hybrid with any of the options provided is a level of customization I haven't seen before!

The controls are easy to understand (for both PC & Android) though it's annoying to constantly tap/click the dictions to get anywhere (while I can't think of a faster way for android for the current map size but, it's a bit odd that we can't use the arrow keys to move (didn't try WASD so if that works than this point is obviously invalid).

There's also very limiting things you can do in the prison like, no gym to passively gaint small amounts of combat exp or a yoga mat for speed for example. (Though this game is still in development so those can be added later (though it's a  bit off that Kitty talks about yoga yet there doesn't seem to be a place where she does that).

I also don't like the fact that story progression is currently tied to being the synthetic cat's pet. Like if we're able to kick her @$$ while at level 0, surely that means we're useful to escape right...? Like no matter how many times I kick her @$$ she never gets around to that thinking (even with long stretches of kicking her tail!) Also, it's a hit annoying that lower level enemies can still kick your own @$$ even when you're multiple levels about them. (It's also wired that Kitty's bully/master never learns their lesson too. Like I've already beaten you up multiple times for messing with Kitty you @$$hole take a hint!)

Finally, the last few things is a bug purely for the Android version. Every so often descriptions of: buttons, items and etc. Won't go away which will block your view and makes the faster quick time events practically impossible. Speaking of the faster quick time events, they're oddly too fast for android and combine that with the small screen makes them speedrun levels of difficulty.

I hope I didn't sound too harsh while writing this as, I do legitimately enjoy this game and want to succeed! (The free stuff is almost always better than paid stuff when it comes to NSFW stuff)


Oh wow, thanks for the kind words and so much feedback :o

Yeah, keyboard isn't really used right now, I will need to look into the best way of adding support for it.

More activites will be coming, gym area will have content for sure, I have to balance between writing content and adding/changing/fixing current game systems, there are a lot of tasks x3

Different routes are planned to, including the one where you don't become the cat's pet at all. Again, boils down to me writing ^^.

Sorry if the android version has problems like that, it's really hard to test since I have to use an emulator. The struggling minigame will be balanced more as I work on the game ^^. It's difficulty depends on the level of the restraint

Again, thank you ^^

(1 edit)

I can help with writing, it might not be the main style that you write in, but I can generate a lot of ideas, just throwing that out there, also great game so far, looking forward to seeing what it may look like when its done (insert thumbs up)

Fr check out Rack2 ,you will be more shocked

Sadly I don't think my POS/well used PC (probably) can't run it as, it's more advanced than Rack 1.

Well Rack 2 have crazy customization and kind of mod support.


I found this game yesterday and I'm absolutely hooked, do you happen to have a patreon? I would join in a heartbeat

Thanks for the kind words ^^. I have a SubscribeStar, it has less restrictions for nsfw games. There is a button for it on the credits screen ^^

Well i just made an account and subscribed. I don't know can you see the name of the subscribers but it's gorgestboi. I don't even know what benefits do i get from subscribing but i need more of my girl Tavi so i gotta support lol


Yeah, I see the names. Thanks a lot ^^. There aren't really any perks yet, just the daily devlogs. I'm still in the stage of setting everything up, last few days been kinda crazy honestly x3. In a good way

(1 edit)

The game has a big potacial, I hope you will not quit, I can offer to add an avatar for nps to know how they look,Well, it will be cool if, when knocked down, you can be beaten or tied while you are lying on the floor, well, in the opposite direction,  but otherwise everything is very cool, I wish good luck to your game

Thanks for the kind words ^^. Yeah, right now I'm working on rewriting the system to allow to show more than just the player. The game is open-source so anyone can continue developing if I ever quit for some reason. I don't plan to but yeah ^^

I may ask, what engine does the game run on? 

Godot engine


can u add cheat menu if u do I appreciate it :)

is there a repeatable way to train combat?

just go to the spot where you get the apple but not all the way in. just the entrance. go in 2 or 3 squares before repeating it again, at least that was the repeatable way I did it

and where do i get the apple? is it the greenhouse?

yeah. you can also steal apples, which give stamina and remove pain. doing so will trigger an event with nova, either getting you in stocks, having sex and being let go, or fighting her.

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