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Deleted 311 days ago

picked up this game and really gotten into it. i think ill work on adding a mod that includes vore as well as a jailbreak path using the slaves and planets to go to post jailbreak. dont hold your breath though

So I've noticed that the underwear can break but I have not been able to figure out how that happens

RNG based when you take a hit during a fight. Nothing you can really do about it. You go to the vendomat to fix btw. 

How to I remove the chet's cage?

Get through interactions with him

Is the socket content broken because I've uninstalled the game and reinstalled completed the quest to get her to appear but still no socket also I'm on Android

u have mods insraleed maybe its them

Thanks it was that

anyone know the admin login for the safe in the engineering bay? I don't even know where to find it


если вкратце - тебе нужно приконнектиться по ip из форума, скачать brute.exe, дисконнектнуться и активировать brute.exe, введя ip форума. Там пропиши команду Ls, и можно будет скачать brutev2.exe, с помощью которого взломать основной сервер. 10 кредитов можно получить, введя withdraw, когда залогинился на форуме

in "Duplicate and enslave static NPC" there's an option for "pc" at the bottom but it doesn't work, is this a bug? I intended to make custom inmates with this option via debug menu by changing my character's looks then using this feature but it seems to be broken.

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i am content to this game now because I can put rahi onto the pleasure machine because of the debug menu

did this with socket to and it was worth it

How? Because if you're talking about the dynamic slave thing, I would really like to know how.

go into options on the main menu and you will see a debug menu toggle and then resume the game or start a new one if you don't have one saved already and then enslave a duped character choose socket and voila now just take everything off of your new socket and put the uniform on her after getting it in the give PC item menu and boom even better



I really liked it, but I have to say that when the content ends, it's rather underwhelming. When you end a character's content, it would be cool to have something other than repeating content, something like a random kiss from a boyfriend or friendly greeting from a friend. 


Yeah, i wish we could have relationships with other inmates.


it would be nice if NPCs could enslave you too)))


Is the discord invite broken for anyone else?


Eh dont bother, server's gonna get nuked eventually since the mod team thinks it's a good idea to allow anyone with a pulse to post nudes...

i got a question about the mods do mods refresh everyday or when the game updates.

Would it be possible to have it so the game can flip on mobile? Cuz it currently only lets you play it with your charger on the right

Does anyone know what the max for primary stats are

(1 edit)

i had reached level 76 in one of them

No limit that i know of.

If you use debug you can basically get as much exp as you want.

how do I use the debug? I can't find it 

how do I enslave a guard!!
I already got the collars from the announcer but every time I put the collar on the guard and click "continue" it says they are not ready

(1 edit)

just get a guard from debug menu(learned about it recently)

How do i use debug menu? I cant find it

Deleted 299 days ago

You have worn underwear before righttt?

Thats how it "covers anus"...

(1 edit) (-4)

I have not played the game but is there Lesbian sex if not can you put it in there


Yes, there is... You should play it.


"i have not played the game and i don't have enough interest in it to even download it for free. but can you change it so it aligns more with my fetishes, me being the guy that doesn't even play it? you know... just change the game for someone who doesn't even care about it."

you tried.

How do you get stuff like chastity belts and dildos? It seems to imply that i can get them somewhere but I have no idea where.

(1 edit)

Go through the fight-club sidequest.

The entrance is south of the gym. 

After you beat Avy you can buy it from the announcer guy. 


This is so good, but i'd really like more help in-game with Vions chastity unlock, like bro im sorry im dumb but Vions hot and id like to well yk help him out

Likewise. Cannot find out what the password is to save my life on that data pad.


This is the third time im answering tihs question lol.

anyways here you go :

help -> send -> probe -> send -> connect 3 (you need to click on the butten "NUMPAD" in the corner to write the 3) -> send -> help -> send -> unlock block

Seen this question so many times, someone even posted screenshots (pretty sure) of how to do it. so funny

holy hell, this game is amazing so far. so well done. i can tell it's gonna awaken something in me. watching this one closely. keep it up!!


todays subject : slavery


It's hard enough to keep my demons down without this. please bro I BEG YOU!!


please add face sitting :>

When making another character after roughly 20 hours, I'm suddenly asking myself was there an option to earn money as a sex inmate or how that was called in english. I forgot.


I think each color was names special as an inmate, but  it's to late I think I might be overthinking this.


don't worry too much :)


Yes I rather sleep and recharge for now.  Have a good night.

Uhh idk i get milked in the 3rd floor when i need money u should try too

I guess I forgot to pay attention the last few updates if that what's happens there. I always just did that to get the pills.

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anybody know how to hack through Vion's cage.

raise your relationship with alex and then it will be availablem

I meant like the sequence  to open it

If i remenber correct should be UNLOCK BLOCK

(1 edit) (-1)

Are there any drugs that change an npc's/pc's  gender?

No, though there is a mod that you can get full-body surgery (BodyModif)

Or you could make a mod yourself ;)

how do you remove hypnovisor?


You need to wear it until you can get the perk from the hypnosis skills that allows you to ignor its influence.

sleep removes the hypnosis and I think getting hurt lowers it

How can i release a slave??

Click talk option when in slave menu. The first option is checking on them. Click that option and there should be two further options, Close and release. Press release. 

Any1 know where tavi is in 'tavis revenge' cant find her anywhere

is there a way to get into this locked area in the engineering bay?

hack the computer in the bottom and put the door in maintenace mode.

The game can only be rated after Full release?  cuss i already wnat to give 5 stars .

I am able to rate it on the web version

I almost feel like i should request a cameo, if this is based on RRDC |D

whats up with the #4 on the combiner? idk if anyone answered this question yet but ive searched so much omfg 

(1 edit) (+1)

Is there any way at all to make Tavi not become submissive? Rahi is already enough so having two subs with no one to take that control away a bit is a bit boring in my opinion. :']

true, even more so if she stays in demon form


If you un-corrupt her, and decide that you still want to be her pet, she becomes much less subby. It turns more into a mutual relationship.

How do you decide to still be her pet? I un-corrupted her but didn't see that option anywhere.

I think it kind of happens, sorry, my memory might be a little foggy. I think if you un-corrupt her, she just becomes more dominant, instead of being this subby slut, she actually starts addressing you as her pet, making u call her miss again, etc.

She did that in a couple scenes, but she still regularly referred to me as "owner"


Alright so could track down any kind of answer for this question I had. What kind of effects do the different penis types have? Knot for just knotting content is a given, but does it actually have a mechanical feature tied to it? Barbs can cause damage and induce ovulation (in PCs with the right parts and with a specific perk active at least). But what about the horse and dragon penis types? What effects do they have that is special or is there anything special about any of the penis types from a mechanical rather than aesthetic function for PCs?

So far there is no information provided in game about this and the wiki doesn't exist. No one has brought it up in a public area either. So related to my question are 2 suggestions: add text on the effects of different penis types in the creation section and add mechanics related to the penis type.

For suggestion one it is just to clarify for people who aren't as familiar with how certain types do from a realistic view point. Particularly the dragon penis as it is 100% fictional. Certainly keep someone else from feeling frustrated not finding any answers for a very minor question like I did.

For suggestion two it would add new dynamics to the game and consequences of sex. Currently only knotting and scrapping exist from what I have seen and only barbs have a reason a vagina equipped PC with a singular perk might want to avoid (or track down) that penis type. This doesn't feel equal for penis equipped PCs as outside of an additional option to how you release there is nothing special for the type you pick.


To continue with my 2nd suggestion, I'd suggest make effects like barbs being able to cause ovulation and the flared penis able to remove pre-existing fluids base line effects for their types. Make human one vanilla option with the benefit of !breasts stroking to happen before it is erect (which I think already exists honestly). Dragon I have no idea where to start on a suggestion here for mechanical effect. I get it is ribbed so increased arousal/lust gain for partner would be good, but I also feel like it needs something not tied to stats like the others get. For knotted it would be nice if knotting your partner actually did something more than a flavor related to it. Maybe make it so the knotting as an option happens after penetration or as a second option to it with knotting penetration making it so the ability to resist is impossible or very difficult. Got a 3rd suggestion now related to this topic, but finish this thought first.

By giving the types their own effects it makes your PC better at certain kinds of sex options. It also could add some new avenues for story elements and could make strapons and dildos interesting if they had the same kind of effects. Maybe even add in new kinds of both you can load up with cum you could pump into someones. Add a pseudo impregnation feature for purely vaginal characters and tie into the new 3rd suggestion. Also for PCs with vaginas (and even asses with a certain starting perk) would have reasons to worry about or seek out certain penis types. Like avoiding barbs to not risk forced ovulation or seeking one out (Risha for example) if you don't have/want to buy heat pills. Same for knots becoming risky if it is a penetration type rather than a finish type in more non-con related scenes. Or you might want to avoid a flared penis if you are trying to get knocked up by a specific NPC and having that cum removed. Suck if you want to have Nova's pups and some random horse dicked NPC removes it all ruining your plan. Then you could make perks related to making these effects more/less effective.


Okay not onto that 3rd suggestion. It is less of a rework for sex and more adjustments to what exists aside from one part. Going to start where this one did with knotting being changed from a finish flair option to a secondary type of penetration. So as it stands right now it is extremely difficult to effectively struggle as the sub. The numbers are just so low. The reduction in success is a great mechanic and feature as you tire yourself out, but the numbers still make it too hard to make any progress even though it feels like NPCs in sub situations have far better success against you. Not complaining about the NPCs as I feel their success rate is more what PCs should be. Also the minute you get penetrated there is no stopping things even if you got the dom nearly over the edge of stopping before. Resist has a 5% chance of working at all times with no ability (outside of biting in oral) of throwing them off you. This is without bondage coming into play either.

So the first part of my suggestion is to bump those numbers up. Give you (and NPCs) a better fighting chance of resisting. Then we can make other factors impact your chances in a realistic sense. How close to being knocked out you are, bondage, and even pain could hinder your ability to struggle. Pain on the dom could increase your chances. And then this ties into knots as if the knotting penetration option is taken then chances drop dramatically. Could also add a perk to bondage to make the negative effects less impactful or greater. Same for sex slave and giving you better odds at throwing off unwanted attention or from being thrown off.

The second part is just the option for NPCs related to fluids and pregnancy. I think it would be interesting if NPCs could be impregnated by other NPCs. You can already add cum from other NPCs into NPCs now and this would expand on the idea and give it impact outside of just becoming your own baby daddy. This could also tie into strapons and dildos that can pump filled fluids into someone. Imagine a random NPC in a FxF scene uses a strapon on the PC (like during the stocks) and it had some random cum into you. Pool could come from the permanent NPCs like Avy and Nova or your generated characters you met. Nothing like an anon baby daddy till you find out at the nursery. This could also give the equine penis a purpose as the PC might want to be sure the in heat NPC they are sexing only has you as their baby daddy. Imagine you pump that girl/boy full and wait out the pregnancy only for your name not to be listed. This would require expanding the ui for the nursery though and maybe make it so instead of just a huge ever growing list it is in like folders were you can look at individual names of NPCs (and yourself) that you got prompted about births about.

The last part of this suggestion of support changes related to penis types would be to make it so what sexual parts and info about those parts remains completely hidden until they are fully exposed. Right now you will always know what someone is working with regardless of clothing and perks. Perks just provide more info and think that part is perfectly fine as is. The issue is the knowing when they are clothed. I feel it would be more interesting and tie into the previous suggestions if you don't know till you have taken the plunge (assuming it is not a non-con situation at least). The gender is already reflected with colors of names, but it would be fun if you were okay with a pink name to avoid a dick only for them to be herm or shemale on you. Adds surprise and an element of making a mistake and finding the bail option. Could make more dom NPCs if you are the sub be less likely to just let you leave. Also it can make the penis types have some more weight as well as you thought the dragon faced NPC was safe only for them to whip out a barbed penis and you risk force ovulation if they penetrate you. Or make it more interesting trying to track down an NPC with one as you won't know till you jump in. Also give a reason to let Risha pay you. An interesting starting perk to make exclusive to the creation would be one that gives you a hint if they are packing or not. Or even just add a bulge text box that the hint is based on penis length. So none/short ones it would say there doesn't seem to be something there. Average ones it says it looks like there is one. Large is states there clearly is a bulge. Maybe even make it so human penis can't hide bulges unlike the sheathed ones.

Anyways end of my suggestions. Just think there is a lot more you could play with here that I don't see other games doing. Real risk/reward and giving more depth to what is currently a near purely aesthetic feature.

Okay realized the 5% is if stuck in the stocks. The regular rate is higher and just never noticed because I rarely lose fights to the NPCs and their obsession with bondage gear by default is pretty high. Was always in some kind of restrained state and just didn't realize it. So yeah still numbers tweak but wouldn't be near to the degree I was thinking for these suggestions.

Horse cock pushes goo from within your anus out. Dragon penis is just knotted penis I believe from my experience. 


Slavery update is really nice, but it'd be cool if NPC's could also be able to enslave you


So how do i get Hypnotic vusor?

buy with alex or ''find'' exploring in the hallway after getting milked (safe zone part)


any chance you might add cum inflation?

I would also want this 


That's already in the game, it's been in the game.


really? ive tried to do it but it wont work


You need to have high enough goo production. I can confirm that it's in the game.


It would be really hot if the developer put a breeding farm where you would be captured for doing something wrong or illegal and the guards would throw you there and you would stay there being bred or fucked until you escaped.

I imagine the guards of this place would be minotaurs or bullmen

Sounds like a punishment the captain would approve.

It would be like solitary confinement where you would be bred or fucked until you escape

And then you could get various statuses like tattoos, piercings, and anal pregnancy if you didn't choose that at character creation, if your character was male

You can't get pregnant by anal sex unless you choose the anal womb.

Though i could get behind some tattoos as a customization. I feel like if you wanted permanent slut writing (if that's what you want), Rahimew could add permanent markers. If she sees this. . .

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You didn't understand that it would be a place like solitary confinement where you would be bred or fucked and in that place they could do experiments on you like anal uterus, tattoos and piercings


How would I fill my bottle with water? I cant seem to find a source.

(1 edit) (+1)

You don't use bottles for that...

"Use toilet for other things though"


sex update?





Can i get a collar so i can Turn staff into slaves?

If you've beaten Avy in the Underground, you can buy them from the announcer there.

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